Describe a plan in your life that is not related to work or study

What is it about?

Why you made this plan?

What you need to do first?

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Explain how would you feel if it is successful?




Introduction 1

This is an interesting topic. Most of the time we are asked by people about our plans

and goals related to career and work. Hardly does anyone discuss about other things

which are also equally important. One hard core plan that I have is about my

strength and fitness. I want to become as fit as a fiddle.

I have made this plan for a strong reason. The world has witnessed the deadly

pandemic and so many people have died. I observed that all those people who were

fit and healthy and had a strong immune system survived the disease. This is the

reason why I want to be strong.

I will have to start with exercise in the morning. Ensuring enough water intake and

vitamin C in my body is also necessary. Eating the right food and enough proteins

and vitamins is a must. I will also eat lots of green leafy vegetables, fruits and dry

fruits. Taking enough rest and sleep is essential as well.

I would feel great about myself if this plan would turn out to be successful. It would

give me a sense of achievement and I will feel proud of myself. I know that the idea

of becoming fit is taken for granted by many but I will not take it lightly. After the

completion of my plan of physical fitness I will maintain it and start working towards

my mental fitness.


Well, people always have some plans related to their work or study. I always keep on attending some short courses along with my regular studies to acquire new skills. For example, I have take classes of driving, music as well as French some time ago.

What it is about?
But now I am planning to take cooking classes that I think I would need in near future. There are quite a few reasons why I want to opt for this course.

Why you made this plan?
The fact is that I am planning to move to Canada for my higher study very soon. Obviously, there would be no one to cook for me. For that reason, I really need to learn how to cook food so that I can survive in that new country. This way, I would be able to save myself from eating outside food all the time.

As many of my friends are already in Canada and do not know how to cook food, they have to buy outside food which is certainly not only unhealthy but very expensive also. In addition, along with my study, I will be doing there some kind of part-time job as. So, if I know how to cook food I can easily find a job in a restaurant.

What you need to do first?
Well, soon I will be having holidays and during this time I am going to take the help of my mother in learning this skill. She is a wonderful cook and can cook almost anything so learning this skill from her would also allow me to spend some extra time with her. Apart from this, there is an institute in my city that offer short cookery courses. Hence, I am planning to join this institute as well.

And explain how you would feel if it is successful?
So that I can learn most of the Punjabi cuisine along with some international ones. I am pretty sure I will enjoy taking cooking classes and I will learn it very quickly since I have a deep interest in cooking.

Overall cooking is one skill that I am planning to learn in near future.


Planning is an essential/ important part of our lives because it provides us with a roadmap to lead our lives /It gives directions to the efforts of people. Planning makes clear what people have to do, how to do it, etc. Today I would like to talk about a plan that I have made recently.

What it is about? and Why you made this plan?
In Today’s fast pace life, everyone wants to reach their work quickly, so most people prefer to drive their own vehicle. nowadays, I am planning to pursue my study abroad, so I want to learn to drive. Because it will be very helpful for me to make balance my work and study.

What you need to do first?
In foreign countries every student work along their study to manage their expenses. I will also try this strategy, so that’s why I plan to learn driving. I need to find out a driving trainer who will teach me driving. )ne of my friends gave me a mobile number to a trainer who learned to drive to him two months ago. He told me that the trainer is a very nice and patience person. He never gets angry if we ask him to give some extra time.

And explain how you would feel if it is successful?
I met with that person two days ago and set a time for driving. I will be very happy if I successfully learn this skill because it makes me independent.



  • I plan to do many things besides my work and study

What it is about?

  • But the one plan I would like to mention here is of immigrating to Canada.
  • For my plan to come true I have to work very hard.

Why you made this plan?

  • Canada is inviting immigrants to settle there.
  • But they have some pre-requisites.

What you need to do first?

  • First I have to clear IELTS.
  • Then I shall consult some immigration agency to study my case and prepare my application.
  • I want to do so because Canada is a developed country and I have relatives there.
  • When they come to India on holidays, they spend money as if it grows on trees.
  • I also want to be able to spend so much without giving it a second thought.
  • They tell me that they work very hard over there.
  • I am also prepared to work hard.
  • I am prepared to do any work to make a living.
  • I have seen people work very hard here but still they don’t have enough money.
  • So I would like to be a part of the developed world.
  • My family would have a better life if I am able to immigrate to Canada.
  • I love my country and would definitely like to do something for the needy over here.
  • That would only be possible if I earn a lot over there

And explain how you would feel if it is successful?

  • I would feel very happy once I have achieved my goal.

Note – You can also talk about a place you would like to visit The same cue card can be – ‘A goal you want to achieve’


Introduction 5

Planning is an essential part of our lives because it provides us with a roadmap to lead our lives towards an impressive growth trajectory. Recently, I made a plan which is not related to work and study.

What it is about?

Being an altruist person, I have always wanted to work for the welfare of society. Currently, the whole world is experiencing Corona Pandemic.

This pandemic is a veiled threat for people, especially to those who cannot afford its treatment.

To help the people living in destitute, I have made a plan through which I am going to provide free medicines to them.

Why you made this plan?

During my experience as a volunteer with one of the hospitals, I observed that Corona Virus is a mild form of a virus. Many people who cannot afford the treatment die just because of depression.

To save the lives of such people, I have planned to provide free medicines.

What do you need to do first?

 The first step is to collaborate with certain multinational companies to generate funds for the medicines. All big companies have to provide funds for the welfare of society under the corporate social responsibility initiative. Since I have good knowledge of this scheme, I will not face many problems with tie-ups.

And explain how you would feel if it would be successful?

The plan would be cent per cent successful because the corona pandemic has adversely affected the corporate world. The big organisations want this pandemic to end soon so that they can run their business ventures smoothly.

Hence I would cross the biggest hurdle of my plan with tremendous ease. The rest of the things are easy to manage.




Introduction 6


Most people strive hard to gain success in life, but they have a wish they like to fulfil deep in their minds. Like others, I too have a desire, which I would like to fulfil, and I have already made a plan for that.

What it is about?

Being a travel enthusiast, I want to travel the whole world as a solo traveller.

Why you made this plan?

As a traveller, my taste is a bit different as compared to others. Unlike others, I do not pay much heed to local sightseeing. For me, authentic travelling takes place when you get mixed with another culture.

When you travel in a group, you find it difficult for the members to entertain the special requests of someone. Therefore, solo travelling is a prudent approach to spend your holidays according to your wish.

What do you need to do first?

The first and foremost thing to make this plan work is the arrangement of cash. Secondly, I need to amass a lot of knowledge regarding the destination where I would be travelling.

Because as a backpacker, you do not have much support in a foreign nation. During tough times the knowledge you have helps you to handle the conflicts adroitly.

Apart from this, I need to be good at basic skills like cooking, washing clothes etcetera.

And explain how you would feel if it would be successful?

When this plan would be successful, I will become the happiest person on earth. Because I have been preparing for this since my childhood.


Introduction 7


Being an ambitious person, I have made numerous plans to lead my life towards an impressive growth trajectory. Most of these plans are related to my career.

However, there is one plan which is related to personality development.

What it is about?

I have planned to become a fit person. To achieve this aim, I need to lose 10 kgs weight.

Why you made this plan?

I have made this plan because after gaining success in my career, I have realized that the happiest person in life is that who has good health. By acquiring good health, I will lead my life towards the path to success.

What do you need to do first?

The first step to achieve this aim is to make a proper diet and workout schedule. There is no denying this conviction that a judicious combination of a healthy diet plus a physical workout is a must-have for effective weight loss. Hence I have planned to do rigorous workouts, coupled with strict control over diet.

To do so, I will hire the services of a renowned dietician for a diet plan which would offer me a diet schedule with fewer calories and more nutrition.

Apart from this, I will do a combination of aerobic and anaerobic exercises. For this, I will join a gym and work under the aegis of a seasoned trainer.

And explain how you would feel if it would be successful?

The success of this plan would lead to a paradigm shift in my personality. Not only I will become more energetic, but my looks would also enhance.


Introduction 8

I am a very organized person, so every day I make plans related to my study or work. Here I would like to talk about a plan that is not related to my study or work.  I want to travel in the future. I want to visit other countries of the world and gain first-hand knowledge and experience. required. Other places will give me an opportunity to take a break from the mundane routine and to find some peace in the hectic life.

Well, I am a passionate traveler and love to explore new places.  Honestly, I have this plan for a very long and this plan was hidden in my mind since my childhood. Gradually, the plan started spreading its wings in the mind. And now I dream to travel across the world.

To meet my desire, I would need some specific things. The most important point about traveling is time. I need to manage enough time to spend out of my country. In fact, people cannot move out of their own states owing to time deficiency. Secondly, I would need a sufficient amount of money. Without a complete budget and arranging the money, it would be insane to move out to see the world around. Traveling with a companion is better and has some positive impacts. Hence, I also may need a companion for me.

In reality, it would be hard for me to fulfill the plan. There would be lots of obstacles and I would have to face and resolve them in order to fulfill the plan I have. Determination and goodwill along with prudent decisions would be required. But I will try my best to organize everything.



Follow up Questions


  1. Do you think that people really plan in their life?

I guess most people do not. At least the youth may not do it because they

are carefree and also very busy with their career and friends but adults and

elderly may plan their life because they may be taking life a lot more

seriously than children and youth.





  1. What kind of plans are important most important in life?

For a long time I believed that plans related to career and money

management are the most important. But after witnessing such a deadly

pandemic situation I feel that we should also give equal importance to our

health and overall quality of our life and plan well for it.





  1. What things should we keep in mind when we plan our career?

We should plan it realistically and with a time frame. It is our career and it

will decide our quality of life to a great extent and so we should plan it with

passion. We must include plan B as well.





  1. For how many years should we ideally plan?

Ideally, in my opinion we should make short term plans and take baby steps.

So, making yearly or six monthly plans should be good. Situations change

and we, may have to change our plans. It is also important that we make a

master plan and have a vision and goal for life.





  1. What should we do if things do not go as per our plan?

Well, this is quite possible for anybody. We should be prepared for it. We

must try and not to get disappointed and try again with our complete energy

and passion. Things may not go as per our plan and that is what life is all




Describe a plan in your life that is not related to work or study Describe a plan in your life that is not related to work or study Describe a plan in your life that is not related to work or study Describe a plan in your life that is not related to work or study Describe a plan in your life that is not related to work or study Describe a plan in your life that is not related to work or study Describe a plan in your life that is not related to work or study



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