Describe a skill that you learned from older people

You should say:
What the skill is?
Who you learned it from?
How you learned it?
And how you feel about it?


Introduction: 1

Well, old people are like a storehouse of knowledge and there is so much for us to learn from them. 

What the skill is? and Who you learned it from? 
Here, I would like to talk about the skill of gardening that I have learnt from my grandfather. Actually, my grandfather who is about 70 years of age now has spent most of his life doing farming. Since, we have moved to city now, he cannot visit his farms but he spends most of his time enjoying gardening. 

How you learned it? 
Seeing him doing this activity I developed interest and requested him to teach me how to take care of plants. Now every evening, I spend an hour daily to help my grandpa in this pursuit. I must say he has profound(deep) knowledge of gardening and he introduced me to various species of plants and vegetables that are frequently grown at homes.

He also told me about the nutrients found in soil and how to naturally improve the fertility from the domestic waste. We also grow seasonal vegetables at home and enjoy fresh home grown vegetables which most people do not. One thing that developed my further interest in this activity is making flowers pots from plastic bottles and other things as he never lets anything go waste. 

He plants seasonal flowers and herbs in empty plastic bottles and containers and today, we have more than two hundred such pots that enhance the beauty of our garden. 

And how you feel about it? and Conclusion: 
I not only learn about gardening but spending time with him also helps me to learn the history and culture in a better way. I’m grateful to my grandpa for helping me to learn practical skills which keeps me physically and mentally fit. 


Introduction: 2


Older people are an important source of information and role models. Here are some of the things your beloved elder can teach the children /young people. People may learn at any age because age matters little when they learn or teach important skills. Older people can teach or teach young people a great deal. Today I want to speak about a skill I learned from my grandmother’s friend.

What the skill is? and Who you learned it from? 
It’s a fun activity that enables grandparents to connect with their grandchildren. Teaching traditional dances could keep your beloved active and let your children learn something new. A friend of my grandmother lives close to home. She is Very good at dance, especially in the old forms of dance.

How you learned it?
Last year during the final year of graduation, our college principal gave the task of performing folk dance at the party.I know a variety of dance forms, but these are new dance forms.I know the names of the old dance forms, but I did not try them because they are very difficult.Traditional dances require a lot of hard work and should have the talent to show tacial expressions.

I told my grandma. She told me she could ask her friend who can teach you traditional dance. A day later grandmother told me that her friend was ready to teach me how to do a traditional dance. The training of this form of dance took two weeks. I learned Kathak from her. I went to her house every evening after college for two hours and on weekends I spent about half a day at her house to practice dancing.

And how you feel about it? and Conclusion: 
I was always feeling very tired after dancing because it demanded full focus and hard work. I lost 2 kg in training in a couple of weeks.On the day of the reception, the director of my college was pleased with my performance.I felt very happy because it was only possible with her assistance. After this event, I did not stop learning, even I continue to learn traditional dances from her until now and possibly in the future as well. I Thanked my grandmother and her friend for helping me.


Introduction: 3


  • It is true that the younger generation can learn valuable skills and life lessons from older people.

What the skill is?

  • One skill I learnt is to recycle, reuse and repurpose everything.

Who you learned it from?

  • I learned this skill from my incredibly talented grandmother.
  • I grew up in a nuclear family with both parents working busy jobs.

How you learned it?

  • Every year during summer I used to spend two months with my grandparents.
  • My grandmother would find imaginative ways to reuse and recycle everything in her home.
  • She would never dispose old clothes and would instead sew little pieces together to make curtains, quilts, pillowcases, tablecloths, etc.
  • She would recycle glass jars and use them to hold spices, tea, grains, lentils, etc.
  • She used newspaper to clean windows and reused aluminium foil to clean pots and pans.
  • She made old broken furniture drawers into garden containers. She used fruit and vegetable scraps from her kitchen for compost.
  • She would keep me busy with craft activities like making old card boxes into fun toys, cars, and robots.
  • I mostly learned everything by observing her and helping her with some of the repurposing projects she did.
  • I started to implement her ideas at my house too and as I grew older it became a habit.

And how you feel about it?

  • I feel indebted to my grandmother that she taught me these valuable skills.
  • Reduce, reuse, and recycling waste is so important in present times.
  • Our landfills are filling fast, and recycling is one way to reduce the amount of waste that goes to landfills.
  • Global warming and plastic pollution have taken a toll on the planet and people need to take action to stop this damage.


  • I am so glad that I am doing my part in saving our planet.



Introduction: 4


In this contemporary epoch, fierce competition has become an integral part of our lives: it is highly imperative to learn new skills to lead our lives towards an impressive growth trajectory.

What the skill is? and Who did you learn it from?

 I have learned numerous skills from paid training: however one skill I learned from my grandfather and his friends. They taught me how to do meditations effectively.

How did you learn it?

To learn it, I worked under his aegis for six months. Last year due to the Corona Pandemic, our country was in a state of lockdown. I used to spend most of my time indoors. As I used to be an impatient person, I requested my grandfather to stop this bad habit.

He advised me to do meditation, and he decided to teach me. Every morning from 5 to 8 am: I used to sit with his group. They would tell me the basics of meditation. Initially, I was finding it hard to concentrate. With time I learned it, and now I can meditate effectively.

And how do you feel about it?

The skill of meditation has brought a paradigm shift in my life. Earlier I used to fight over petty issues. My success was immaterial because of my attitude towards life.

After learning meditation, I have become a calm person. By learning from the heaps of experience of my grandfather and his friends, I have acquired the skill of handling conflicts adroitly.

Apart from this, my friend circle has widened. Rather than finding faults in others, I look for qualities.


Learning the skill of meditation has brought a positive change in my life.


Introduction: 5


In the modern era, people thrive primarily on technology, to learn new skills. However, there are many things that technology cannot teach us.

Recently I learned a new skill that has brought a paradigm shift in my life.

What the skill is? and Who did you learn it from?

 The skill is gardening. I learned it from older people in my hometown.

How did you learn it?

Last year due to the corona pandemic, there was a lockdown in my city. While sitting at home, I used to play games. After a few months, I started feeling monotonous.

To break the monotony in my life, I decided to do something beyond the conventional domain. To do so, I went to my native place. I had spent my childhood in a village, I went there to meet my neighbours.

When I saw older people gardening, I developed an interest in it. I requested them to teach me this skill, and they humbly agreed to support me.

I worked under the aegis of a team of seven senior citizens. They taught me the basics of gardening, like when to put seeds. How to water the plants and maintain the garden.

Within one month, I learned the basics of gardening. And I have a big 1-acre garden with various plants and roses.

And how do you feel about it?

After acquiring this skill, I am a changed person. I have become close to nature, and I have started believing the real worshipping of god it to take utmost care of the mother nature created by him.

Moreover, I have developed a strong bond with the elderly of my hometown. And I would like to learn more from the heaps of experience they have.


Introduction: 6


In the modern era, people thrive primarily on technology, to learn new skills. However, there are many things that technology cannot teach us.

Recently I learned a new skill that has brought a paradigm shift in my life.

What the skill is? and Who did you learn it from?

 The skill is gardening. I learned it from older people in my hometown.

How did you learn it?

Last year due to the corona pandemic, there was a lockdown in my city. While sitting at home, I used to play games. After a few months, I started feeling monotonous.

To break the monotony in my life, I decided to do something beyond the conventional domain. To do so, I went to my native place. I had spent my childhood in a village, I went there to meet my neighbours.

When I saw older people gardening, I developed an interest in it. I requested them to teach me this skill, and they humbly agreed to support me.

I worked under the aegis of a team of seven senior citizens. They taught me the basics of gardening, like when to put seeds. How to water the plants and maintain the garden.

Within one month, I learned the basics of gardening. And I have a big 1-acre garden with various plants and roses.

And how do you feel about it?

After acquiring this skill, I am a changed person. I have become close to nature, and I have started believing the real worshipping of god it to take utmost care of the mother nature created by him.

Moreover, I have developed a strong bond with the elderly of my hometown. And I would like to learn more from the heaps of experience they have.


Introduction 7


 I have learned various skills in my life, and recently I acquired a skill beyond the conventional domain.

What the skill is? 

The skill is Yoga.

Who did you learn it from?

I learned it from my grandfather and his friends.

How did you learn it?

Last year due to the corona pandemic, I had to sit at home for a few months. When the administration finally lifted the lockdown, I had a sigh of relief. To break the monotony and feel fresh, I immediately rushed to the hinterlands to meet my grandparents.

While enjoying holidays with my grandparents, I started participating in yoga exercises every day. Initially, I found it challenging to focus, but when the grandfather and his friends taught me, I started enjoying it.

And how do you feel about it?

Learning this skill has brought a paradigm shift in my life. Firstly it has made me a fit person. Earlier, I used to get tired after working for a few hours, but now I can work effectively without getting exhausted. Due to this, my productivity has enhanced considerably.

Moreover, practising Yoga has made me a patient person. Earlier I had this uncanny knack for fighting over trivial issues. But, these days, I do not lose my temper and try to handle conflicts adroitly. This change has bridged the gap between me and my near and dear ones.

Lastly, it has helped me to have good looks. Before joining yoga classes, I used to be an obese person, and with the unabated support of my grandfather, I have lost fifteen kgs and turned into a fit person.


Introduction: 8


Well, having a skill is a good thing.

It helps us to achieve our goals, gives confidence, and motivate our life.

In my life, I have learned various skills which are very beneficial for me but here I would like to talk about a skill that I learned from my grandfather.

My grandfather has a hobby of gardening, planting new trees and in our home, my grandfather constructed a beautiful garden on one side of the house.

He plants several green vegetables and beautiful flowers.

As I see him, I also want to know about the whole process of growing vegetables like what kind of fertilizers are used while growing and how much quantity of water is needed.

After that time, I started to help my grandfather and I knew several things about it.

He explained each and everything in detail when I asked anything.

My grandfather always teaches me that with proper maintenance of water and fertilizers, vegetables could be easily grown without the usage of insecticides and pesticides.

He also tells me that the soil quality, moisture and what kind of weather is appropriate for a particular plant.

After 2 or 3 months, I knew all things about gardening and now I do this work.

I feel very happy when I grow plants, vegetables and flowers because it also enhances the beauty of my house.

Now I included it in my hobby so this is the skill that I learned from my grandfather.


Introduction: 9


Okay! there are a few skills that I have learned from my grandparents. And I would like to talk about the one which is really beneficial to everyone for their health. When I was around 10 years old, I remember my grandpa used to laugh a lot without any reason. I thought maybe he is mentally disturbed, but when I asked him, he teach me all about it. He said, “Laughter is the best medicine for all”.

My grandfather was health-conscious and had enough knowledge on how to keep healthy. He taught me how to laugh to keep healthy and the benefits of laughing. This activity directly connects us to the heart and help to reduce stress and pain. Moreover, it can protect us against heart attacks and other cardiovascular problems.

He asked me to wake up early morning every day to join with him. He teaches me how to control our emotions and laugh without any reason. Initially, it was really difficult for me but gradually I nailed it. What’s more yeah, these lessons helped me in controlling my anger.

This skill really improved my healthy life as well as other aspects such as being active in the study, more energetic in sports and making others happy. I really appreciate my grandfather for teaching me such a great skill that I would never forget in my life.



Follow up Questions



1. What can children learn from their parents? 

There is no denying this conviction that children spend a large part of their life under the aegis of their parents. Children can learn from parents to work with determination, dedication and discipline.

Apart from this, they can learn how to handle conflicts adroitly. As parents have heaps of experience for handline the pressing problems which come in our lives, children can learn from the experience of their parents.



2. What knowledge can children learn from their grandparents?

Grandparents have heaps of experience, and they love to impart knowledge to their grandkids. Children can gain valuable information about the history and the facilities available in the earlier times. There is no denying this conviction that it is much more captivating to acquire knowledge about history from personal grandparent stories than movies or books.

Children can also gain knowledge of practical skills such as sewing, knitting, gardening, repairing that parents nowadays usually do not know due to less availability of time at their disposal.



3. What kind of help do you think older people need?

  • Help with daily tasks such as cooking, shopping, house cleaning, medical help etc.
  • They need someone who can provide them with emotional support.
  • They need support for learning new technologies like smartphones.
  • The food requirement of older people is different from youngsters and children. They need a regular supply of organic food and other food items with high nutrition.
  • Regular medical tests and checkups to check the state of their health
  • In case the elderly do not know how to drive, they need someone who can pick and drop them at the place of their choice.




4. What skills can young people learn from older people?

Older people have heaps of experience, and they know how to handle conflicts adroitly. Youngsters can acquire significant life lessons from their vast experience. For example, they can learn to enjoy the purple patch in their lives, and how to bounce back during the lean patch. 




Describe a skill that you learned from older people Describe a skill that you learned from older people Describe a skill that you learned from older people Describe a skill that you learned from older people Describe a skill that you learned from older people Describe a skill that you learned from older people Describe a skill that you learned from older people Describe a skill that you learned from older people 


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