History Of First Air Conditioner, The history of air conditioner started in the early days with the need to preserve foods. Foods that are kept at room temperature spoil easily due to the growth of bacteria. At temperature below 4°C (40°F), the growth of bacteria is reduced rapidly. As a result of the development in food refrigeration, other applications that follows include air conditioning, humidity control and manufacturing processes.
The discovery of the principles of the absorption type of refrigeration in 1824 showed that liquefied ammonia could chill air when it is allowed to evaporate. Ice was created using compressor technology in the year 1842 by a physician named John Gorrie.
The commercially available of air conditioning applications started based on the need to cool air for industrial processes than for personal comfort. The first electrical air conditioning was invented by Willis Haviland Carrier in the year 1902. He was also known as the Father of Modern Air Conditioning.
His invention was designed to improve the manufacturing process of a printing plant. By controlling the temperature and humidity of the plant, the processes were made more efficient as the paper size and the ink alignment were consistently maintained.
The Carrier Air Conditioning Company of America was established by him to meet the demand of better productivity in the workplace. Today, Carrier Corporation is the biggest air conditioner manufacturer and marketing corporation in the world in central air conditioning.
The discovery of Freon in 1928 by Thomas Midgley, Jr., a safer refrigerant to humans compared to the toxic and flammable gases such as ammonia, propane and methyl chloride sparks the invention of air conditioning systems for residential, industrial and commercial applications.
Unfortunately, the use of CFC and HCFC refrigerants are causing the depletion of ozone layer in our atmosphere that is causing harmful rays to penetrate our earth. Newer ozone friendly refrigerants have been developed to replace refrigerants such as R-11, R-12 and R-22 to name a few. Non-ozone depletion refrigerant such as R-410a has been used in newer air conditioning systems.
History Of Air Conditioner and Refrigeration
1820 Ice was first artificially made as an experiment.
1824 Michael Faraday discovered the principles for the absorption type of refrigeration.
1834 Jacob Perkins invented the first artificial ice manufacturing machine which led to our modern compression systems.
1902 Willis Haviland Carrier invented the first air conditioner to control the temperature and humidity of a printing company, marking the first time effort taken to control the temperature of the surroundings. This starts the history of air conditioning.
1906 Stuart W. Cramer come out with the term “Air Conditioning.” which was later adopted by Carrier.
1913 The first international refrigeration expo is held in Chicago.
1928 The discovery of Freon refrigerant by Thomas Midgley, Jr.
1930 The White House is air-conditioned.
1946 The demand for room air conditioners began to increase with more than 30,000 units produced on this year.
1953 Room air conditioners sale exceed 1 million units. This is another key milestone in the history of air conditioner.
1953 The Refrigeration Equipment Manufacturers Association and The Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Machinery Association are formed.
1957 The first rotary compressor was developed hence making air conditioning units smaller and more efficient compared to the reciprocating type.
1977 Heat Pumps equipment developed that allows cooling and heating cycle using the same machine that can be used to provide cooling during summer and heating during winter.
1987 Montreal Protocol signed to protect the earth’s ozone layer is signed in Montreal, Canada. The Protocol establishes international cooperation on the phase out of ozone depleting substances, including the chlorofluorocarbon(CFC) refrigerants used in HVAC equipment.
1990 Microprocessor control systems are used in all areas of refrigeration and air conditioning due to the readily available semiconductor technology.
1992 The R-22 Alternative Refrigeration Evaluation Program (AREP) starts to find alternative refrigerants to R-502 and R-22.
1995Chloroflourocarbon (CFC) manufacturing in the USA ends on December 31.
1997 Kyoto Protocol signed to protect the earth’s climate by reducing greenhouse gases that cause climate change.
1998 Unitary air conditioners and heat pumps set a sale record of more than 6 million units.
2007 A State Council issued a circular to restrict the temperature of air conditioning in public buildings to 26°C (78°F) or higher during summer and 20°C (68°F) and lower during winter. Sale of low efficiency air conditioning units are also outlawed.
History of first Weapons, Gun Timeline Historical timeline of the development of modern weapons starting at 1364 with the first recorded use of a firearm and ending in 1892 with the introduction of automatic handguns.
1364 – First recorded use of a firearm. 1380 – Hand guns are known across Europe. 1400s – The matchlock gun appears.
Before the matchlock, guns were fired by holding a burning wick to a “touch hole” in the barrel igniting the powder inside. A shooter uses one hand for firing, and a prop to steady the gun.The first device, or “lock,” for mechanically firing a gun is the matchlock. Powder is held in a “flash pan,” and ignited by a wick, or match, in a movable clamp. Both hands remain on the gun, vastly improving aim. Early matchlock guns are extremely rare. The matchlock shown here was made around 1640, and is typical of the muskets used by militia in Colonial America.
1498 – Rifling principle is discovered. 1509 – Invention of wheel lock (rose lock).
The next major advance, the wheel lock, generates a spark mechanically. With no wick to keep lit, the wheel lock is easier to use, and more reliable than the matchlock. However, wheel locks are expensive to produce. Matchlocks, at half the cost, remain in common use. This is an early (ca. 1540) multi-shot, wheel-lock pistol, made for Emperor Charles V. In this weapon, two locks are combined in one mechanism, to give each barrel separate ignition.
1540 – Rifling appears in firearms. 1607 – Settlers arrive in Jamestown, Virginia. 1630 – The first true flintlock.
The flintlock solved a longstanding problem. Some time in the late 1500s, a lid was added to the flash pan design. To expose or protect the powder, the lid had to be moved manually. The flintlock mechanism was designed to push back the lid and spark a flint at the same time. The flintlock ignition system reigned for two centuries, with virtually no alteration. The flintlock pictured here is a typical British “Brown Bess” musket. Marks on the gun indicate that it was used by German mercenaries during the American Revolution.
1637 – First use of firearms proof-marks. 1750-1850 – Dueling pistols come into fashion.
Around 1750, men stop carrying rapiers, and guns became the weapon of choice for a duel. Various guns were used, until a true dueling pistol was officially standardized in 1777, as “a 9 or 10 inch barreled, smooth bore flintlock of 1 inch bore, carrying a ball of 48 to the pound.” Often lavishly decorated, the pistols are made until dueling falls out of favor in the mid-1800s. This pair of 1786 flintlock pistols was made with ivory stocks and unusually elaborate decorative details.
1776 – American Revolution. 1807 – Percussion-detonating principle patented. 1825 ca. – Percussion-cap guns are in general use. 1830 – The back action lock appears. 1835 – The first Colt revolver.
Samuel Colt developed the first mass-produced, multi-shot, revolving firearms. Various revolving designs had been around for centuries, but precision parts couldn’t be made with available technologies. Colt was the first to apply Industrial Age machining tools to the idea. Mass production made the guns affordable. Reliability and accuracy made the Colt a favorite of soldiers and frontiersmen. The Colt depicted is a Third Model Dragoon percussion revolver (ca. 1853). A Colt with such lavish decoration and gold inlay is extremely rare.
1840 – Guns begin to use pin-fire cartridges. 1847 – The telegraph is invented. 1850 – True shotguns in common use.
In the second half of the 18th century, musket design branched out. This period produced a number of single-purpose firearms. The forerunner of modern shotguns was the fowling piece, developed specifically for hunting birds. Among the upper classes, fowling was a leisure sport. Fowling pieces for the very affluent were often lovely works of art, but impractical for hunting.
1854-56 – The Crimean War. The last war to use only muzzle-loaded guns. 1859 – The first full rim-fire cartridge. 1860 – Spencer repeating carbine patented.
Introduced at the start of the Civil War, Spencer repeating guns were technically advanced, used cartridges (a recent development), and could fire 7 shots in 15 seconds. But the Army didn’t want a repeating gun, fearing that soldiers would fire more often, constantly need fresh ammunition, and overtax the supply system. But in 1863, President Lincoln test-fired a Spencer. His approval led to the purchase of 107,372 Spencer repeating carbines and rifles (of 144,500 made), and the Spencer became the principal repeating gun of the Civil War.
1861 – Breech loaded guns in common use. 1861-1865 – American Civil War. Both breech and muzzle loaded guns used. 1862 – The Gatling Gun is invented. 1869 – Center-fire cartridge introduced. 1870-1871- The Franco-German War. Breach-loaded guns are dominant. 1871 – First cartridge revolver. 1873 – Winchester rifle introduced.
Winchester rifles were affordable, and produced in such great numbers, that the Winchester became the generic rifle. The Winchester had such a powerful hold in some regions that it actually became known as “the gun that won the West.” In 1887, Winchester came out with their first repeating shotguns. The next major milestone for Winchester came in 1903, when the company introduced the first automatic rifle that would become widely used.
1876 – Custer defeated at Little Big Horn. 1877 – First effective double-action revolver. 1879 – Lee box magazine patented. 1892- Advent of automatic handguns.
The first automatic pistol was created by Joseph Laumann in 1892. But the Borchardt pistol of 1893 was the first automatic with a separate magazine in the grip, and this remains the defining feature of the breed. More automatics came in rapid succession, including Browning, Luger, Mauser, and Colt models. By the turn of the century, just 8 years after Laumann, automatics were firmly established.
People have used weapons in warfare, hunting, self-defense, law enforcement, and criminal activity. Weapons also serve many other purposes in society including use in sports, collections for display, and historical displays and demonstrations. As technology has developed throughout history, weapons have changed with it. Major innovations in the history of weapons have included the adoption of different materials – from stone and wood to different metals, and modern synthetic materials such as plastics – and the developments of different weapon styles either to fit the terrain or to support or counteract different battlefield tactics and defensive equipment. The use of weapons is a major driver of cultural evolution and human history up to today, since weapons are a type of tool which is used to dominate and subdue autonomous agents such as animals and by that allow for an expansion of the cultural niche, while simultaneously other weapon users (i.e., agents such as humans, groups, cultures) are able to adapt to weapons of enemies by learning, triggering a continuous process of competitive technological, skill and cognitive improvement (arms race).[1]
Prehistory and the ancient world
Stone tips, arrows and bows
Stone tips are one of the earliest forms of weapons assumed by archaeologists, with the earliest surviving examples of stone tips with animal blood dating to around 64,000 years ago from the Natal, in what is now South Africa.[2] These early arrows were just a stone tip, which is advantageous over organic materials because it enables weapons to cut through tougher hides and create larger wounds, killing more easily.[2] There is as yet no direct evidence for bows during the African Pleistocene, and the hypothesis that very early, stone points were used to tip darts or arrows remains unsupported by use-trace studies and contextual evidence. Some hypothesised concomitants, such as the use of bow drills, also remain elusive.[3]
Bows and arrows had arrived in Europe by the Late Paleolithic period, around 9,000–11,000 BCE,[4] and seem to have arrived in the Americas by at least 6,000 BCE.[5]
The oldest extant bows, from the Holmegård region in Denmark, date to around 6,000 BCE. The bows were quite effective against the enemies that were far from the archer, and so archers were sought after in recruitment for armies. When people started horse riding at around 2500 BCE, composite bows were created. In 1200 BCE, the Hittites, originating from Anatolia, shot arrows using their bows on light chariots. In 1000 BCE some of these horse-riding archers from Central Asia invented the recurve bow, which was in the shape of a “W” and had an improved elasticity.
People from the Nile used relatively long bows for better accuracy, they also used composite bows. Civilizations all over the world produced bows according to their respective vegetation. The Chinese made bows from bamboo sticks while others who did not have the right kind of wood needed for making bows, produced composite bows. According to Chinese beliefs and mythology, a story is narrated and written in old Chinese texts which says how bow and arrow were invented.
ONCE upon a time, Huangdi went out hunting armed with a stone knife. Suddenly, a tiger sprang out of the undergrowth, Huangdi shinned up a mulberry tree to escape. Being a patient creature, the tiger sat down at the bottom of the tree to see what would happen next. Huangdi saw that the mulberry wood was supple, so he cut off a branch with his stone knife to make a bow. Then he saw a vine growing on the tree, and he cut a length from it to make a string. Next he saw some bamboo nearby that was straight, so he cut a piece to make an arrow. With his bow and arrow, he shot the tiger in the eye. The tiger ran off and Huangdi made his escape.[6]
As humans discovered new natural resources beneath the Earth’s surface, traditional weapons were replaced as methods for metal-working developed.
After the discovery of pure copper in Anatolia, around 6000 BCE, copper metallurgy spread in Egypt and Mesopotamia. Around 3500 BCE the art of metallurgy spread into India, China and Europe.[7] Bronze, an alloy of copper and tin, ha d been used as far back as 4500 BCE, as it is much harder than pure copper. It was used extensively in Asia: the Indus Valley Civilization flourished as a result of improved metallurgy. Neolithic communities who lived primarily in the upper Yellow River in China also used bronze items extensively as a number of artifacts were recovered at the Majiayao site. Bronze was produced on a large scale in China for weapons, including spears, pole-axes, pole-based dagger-axes, composite bows, and bronze or leather helmets.[8] From the excavations at Zhengzhou, it is evident that the Chinese during the Shang dynasty had well built walls, large buildings, bronze foundries, and bone and pottery workshops.[9]
Bronze significantly contributed to the ancient world and helped cultures of Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, Rome, Indus and China flourish. Bronze replaced stone in weapons.[10] During the Bronze Age maces were in high demand. The Sumerians were the first people on record to have used bronze weapons. Native Americans mostly used flint spears and knives but used bronze for ceremonies and intricate decorations. Ancient artisans soon discovered the drawbacks of bronze for producing armaments, as while weapons made of bronze could be sharpened easily, they were not able to hold their edge.[11] Along with maces, bows and arrows and slings were used in wars. Bows and arrows were preferred over spears because they were easy to handle, provided greater mobility, were more accurate and did not require as much raw material.[citation needed] Bows and arrows were a boon for hunters as they could hunt more effectively with a bow and arrow than with a spear, and so the bow enabled ancient man to become the most efficient hunter.
Biography of Pablo Neruda, Early Life and EducationPablo Neruda was born in the tiny village of Parral, Chile, on July 12, 1904, under the name Ricardo Eliécer Neftalí Reyes Basoalto. His father, José Reyes Morales, was a railway worker, and his mother, Rosa Basoalto, was a teacher. Rosa died of tuberculosis on September 14, 1904, when Neruda was just a couple of months old.In 1906, Neruda’s father remarried Trinidad Candia Malverde and settled down in a small house in Temuco, Chile, with Neruda and his illegitimate older half-brother Rodolfo. José had another affair that resulted in the birth of Neruda’s beloved half-sister, Laurita, whom José and Trinidad raised. Neruda also loved his stepmother dearly.Neruda entered the Boys’ Lyceum in Temuco in 1910. As a young boy, he was very skinny and terrible at sports, so he often went for walks and read Jules Verne. In the summers, the family would head to Puerto Saavedra on the cooler coast, where he developed a love for the ocean. The library in Puerto Saavedra was run by the liberal poet Augusto Winter, who introduced Neruda to Ibsen, Cervantes, and Baudelaire before he turned ten.
Young Pablo Neruda. Photo is marked “Ricardo Reyes,” which was Neruda’s real name before he legally changed it.Public Domain / Wikimedia Commons
Neruda wrote his first poem before his 11th birthday, on June 30, 1915, which he dedicated to his stepmother. His first publication was in July 1917, a newspaper article on persevering in the pursuit of dreams, published in the daily La Mañana. In 1918, he published several poems in the Santiago-based magazine Corre-Vuela; later he called these early works “execrable.”In 1919, the future Nobel laureate Gabriela Mistral arrived in Temuco to lead the girls’ school. She gave Neruda Russian novels to read and became a major influence on his work. Neruda began winning local poetry competitions, but his father didn’t support such a fanciful path for his son and threw his notebooks out the window. In response to this, in 1920 the boy began writing under the pen name that would make him famous, Pablo Neruda.
In 1921, Neruda began studying to become a French teacher at the Pedagogical Institute in Santiago. However, his grades were poor, as he spent most of his time listening to radical speakers at the Students’ Federation. He wrote for the Claridadstudent newspaper and developed friendships with other literary-minded students, including the young poet Pablo de Rokha, who would become a bitter rival of Neruda’s.
Early Work, Santiago, and Consulship (1923-1935)
Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair (1924)
Endeavor of the Infinite Man(1926)
The Inhabitant and His Hope(1926)
Residence on Earth(1935)
Neruda compiled some of his adolescent poems and some of his more mature work into Crepusculario(Twilight)in 1923. The collection was sexually explicit, romantic, and modern all at once. Critics had favorable reviews, but Neruda wasn’t satisfied, saying, “looking for more unpretentious qualities, for the harmony of my own world, I began to write another book.”
Neruda published Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair in 1924, when he was 20 years old. The collection was considered scandalous for its explicit sexuality, but remains one of Neruda’s most popular and translated collections. Overnight, he became a literary darling and the public was fascinated. For years after publication of his collection of poems, readers wanted to know who the poems were about. Neruda would not say, claiming that many of the poems were about southern Chile itself, but posthumous letters revealed that many of the poems were about Neruda’s young loves, Teresa Vázquez and Albertina Azócar.
Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair gained a lot of traction for Neruda, but also many enemies. Vicente Huidobro claimed that Neruda’s Poem 16 was plagiarized from Rabindranath Tagore’s The Gardener; the poems both began quite similarly, but Neruda denied the charges. Huidobro repeated this claim for the rest of his life, even after the International Association of Writers in Defense of Culture asked the pair to settle their feud in 1937.
Residencia en la tierra (1925-1935), Pablo Neruda. Editorial Losada
While critics and international readers alike fawned over Neruda, his father remained dismissive of Neruda’s career choice and refused to finance him. Despite numerous fights and a meager diet, Neruda published Tentativa del hombre infinito (Endeavor of the Infinite Man) in 1926. While critics were unimpressed, Neruda maintained that they did not understand the collection.Later that year, Neruda published his first foray into prose, a dark and dreamy novella called El habitante y su esperanza(The Inhabitant and His Hope). These collections did not bring prosperity, and Neruda remained poor, but he read and wrote all the time instead of looking for more traditional work. He wrote another collection, Anillos(Rings), in 1926 with his friend Tomás Lago. Ringstook on a new prose poetry style and moved between expressionism and impressionism.
Discouraged by unsustainable poverty, Neruda sought a consular posting at the Foreign Ministry. On the strength of his poetic reputation, he received a posting in Rangoon, Myanmar, in 1927. He found Rangoon generally isolating, but that’s where he met Marie Antoinette Hagenaar Vogelzang, whom he married in 1930. Neruda transferred to Buenos Aires in 1933 and then the couple moved onto Madrid that same year. Also in 1933, Neruda published Residencia en la tierra(Residence on Earth), though he had been working on the collection since 1925. Residence is widely considered one of the greatest Spanish language collections ever written; its surrealist simplicity moved away from only the sexual into a growing fascination with the mortal.
Pablo Neruda, the famed Chilean poet, in Vienna, Austria, to represent Chile in the “World Peace Council,” 1951.Bettmann Archive / Getty Images
In 1934, Maria gave birth to Neruda’s only daughter, Malva Marina Reyes Hagenaar, who was born with hydrocephalus. Neruda began his acquaintance with the painter Delia del Carril around this time and moved in with her in 1936.
In Spain in 1935, Neruda started a literary review with his friend Manuel Altolaguirre and began writing one of his most ambitious and masterful collections, Canto general(General Song). But the Spanish Civil War interrupted his work.
War, the Senate, and Arrest Warrant (1936-1950)
Spain in Our Hearts(1937)
Verses Against the Darkness(1947)
General Song (1950)
The outbreak of the Spanish Civil War in 1936 turned Neruda more concretely towards politics. He became more vocal about his communist views and wrote of the devastation on the front, including the execution of his friend, Spanish poet Federico García Lorca, in his collection España en el corazón (Spain in our hearts). His explicit stance made him unfit for his diplomatic post, so he was recalled in 1937. Neruda traveled to Paris, despite his trepidation for the literary city, before returning to Chile in 1938.
Cover of Neruda’s “Spain in Our Hearts,” published 1937.Dominio Publico
While in Chile, Neruda started the Alliance of Intellectuals of Chile for the Defense of Culture, an anti fascist group. He became consul to Mexico in 1939, where he wrote until returning to Chile in 1944. Neruda married Delia in 1943. That same year, his daughter Malva passed away. While he was not a present father, he felt a lot of grief at her death, writing “Oda con un lamento” (“Ode with a lament”) for her, which opens: “Oh child among the roses, oh press of doves, / oh presidio of fish and rose bushes, / your soul is a bottle of dried salts / and a bell filled with grapes, your skin. / Unfortunately, I’ve nothing to give you but fingernails / or eyelashes, or melted pianos.”
In 1944, Neruda won a Senate seat as part of the Chilean Communist Party. One of his key political missions was to decrease the influence of the United States in Chile and all Latin America. In 1947, he was granted a leave of absence from the Senate to focus more fully on writing General Song.Yet Neruda remained politically active, writing letters critical of Chilean President Gabriel González Videla, and a warrant was issued for his arrest in 1948. Neruda moved underground before fleeing to Europe in 1949, where he could write more publicly. While on the run with his family, he began his affair with Matilde Urrutia, who inspired many of his most tender verses.
Neruda finished the 15-part General Songwhile in hiding, and the collection was published in Mexico in 1950. The epic 250-poem cycle examines the arc of man’s struggle in Latin America through time, from natives to conquistadors to miners, exploring the ways people are united across centuries. One of the most anti-imperialist, anti-capitalist poems in the collection, “The United Fruit Co.,” says, “When the trumpet sounded, everything / on earth was prepared / and Jehovah distributed the world / to Coca Cola Inc., Anaconda, / Ford Motors, and other entities.”
Neruda had long been a vocal communist and supporter of the Soviet Union and Joseph Stalin, but his acceptance of the Stalin Prize in 1950 was criticized as diminishing his chances of appealing to a broader international audience and of winning a Nobel. After General Song, Neruda was nominated for the Nobel numerous times before he won, a delay which many scholars suggest was due to the Stalin Prize and Neruda’s communism. In 1953, Neruda doubled down and accepted the Lenin Peace Prize.
International Acclaim and the Nobel (1951-1971)
Grapes and the Wind(1954)
Odes to Common Things(1954)
One Hundred Love Sonnets(1959)
Isla Negra Memorial (1964)
The warrant against Neruda was dropped in 1952 and he was able to return to Chile. While in exile, he had written the collection Las Uvas y el Viento(Grapes and the Wind), which was published in 1954. He published Odas elementales(Odes to Common Things) over the course of five years, starting in 1954, which marked a turn in Neruda’s work away from daily political events to larger historical narratives and the mysticism of quotidian objects.
Chilean poet and diplomat Pablo Neruda (1904 – 1973) in Stockholm with his wife Matilde after he received the Nobel Prize for literature.Keystone / Getty Images
In 1955, Neruda divorced Delia and married Matilde. He continued to have affairs but dedicated many of the poems in his 1959 collection Cien sonetos de amor (One Hundred Love Sonnets) to Matilde. In 1964, Neruda published a commemorative autobiographical collection, Memorial de Isla Negra(Isla Negra Memorial), for his 60th birthday.
Following the international success of General Song, Neruda toured New York in 1966, yet did not soften his stance against American imperialism on the trip; he was still received very favorably. Between 1966 and 1970, he wrote a further six collections of poetry and a play. Neruda ran for the presidency in 1970 with the Communist Party, but dropped out in favor of his friend Salvador Allende Gossens, who ran as a socialist. When Allende won, he appointed Neruda as ambassador to Paris.
Chilean poet and diplomat Pablo Neruda (1904 – 1973) in Stockholm with his wife Matilda after he received the Nobel Prize for literature.Bettmann Archive / Getty Images
Neruda was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1971 “for a poetry that with the action of an elemental force brings alive a continent’s destiny and dreams.” Yet the Nobel committee recognized that this award was contentious, and called Neruda “a contentious author who is not only debated but for many is also debatable.”
Literary Style and ThemesNeruda avoided as much as possible the florid Spanish poetry of the 19th century, centering instead on clear and honest poems. He found the classical form of the ode productive, yet avoided a classical elevated style.Among his many varied influences, he counted the modernist Nicaraguan poet Rubén Darío and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s mystery novels. Neruda also cited Walt Whitman as a key role model.While the conviction of his Spanish is inexorable, Neruda took a much more flexible attitude towards translations. Often he would have multiple translators working simultaneously on the same poem.DeathIn February 1972, Neruda resigned from his ambassadorship, citing poor health, and returned to Chile. In July 1973, he underwent surgery to combat prostate cancer. In September, a military coup ousted Neruda’s friend Allende, and two weeks later, Neruda died during a hospital stay, on September 23, 1973, in Santiago, Chile.While his death certificate states the cause of death as a cancer-related heart collapse, recent forensic evidence and testimony suggest that he may have been assassinated. Neruda’s body was exhumed in 2013 and forensic morticians found samples of lethal bacteria. Doctors now suspect infection as the cause of death, however, whether this was intentional or accidental remains unclear. The Chilean government has not admitted or denied a part in Neruda’s death.
Mourners gather in the General Cemetery in Santiago, Chile on September 23, 1973 to say goodbye to Pablo Neruda.FlickrVision / Getty ImagesLegacyGabriel García Márquez famously called Neruda “the greatest poet of the 20th century—in any language.” His poetry is one of the most widely translated and has been published in dozens of languages, including Yiddish and Latin. However, most of his poems remain available only in Spanish; their complexity and difficulty mean that only a small portion is considered translatable at all. The Poetry of Pablo Nerudawas a mammoth collaboration in 2003 that saw 600 of Neruda’s poems published in English for the first time. In 2016, an anti-biopic called Neruda, directed by Pablo Larraín, was premiered at the Cannes Film Festival to critical acclaim.A move by the Chilean Senate to rename the Santiago airport after Neruda in 2018 was met with resistance by feminists, who cited Neruda’s admitted rape in Ceylon (now Sri Lanka). The famous Chilean writer Isabel Allende said in response that, “like many young feminists in Chile, I am disgusted by some aspects of Neruda’s life and personality. However, we cannot dismiss his writing.”
Biography of Alfred Nobel, Vintage illustration of Alfred Nobel in his laboratory, working on an experiment; screen print created circa 1930.
Alfred Nobel (October 21, 1833–December 10, 1896) was a Swedish chemist, engineer, businessman, and philanthropist best remembered for inventing dynamite. Paradoxically, Nobel spent most of his adult life creating ever more powerful explosives, while writing poetry and drama, and advocating for world peace. After reading a prematurely written obituary condemning him for profiting from the sale of arms and munitions, Nobel bequeathed his fortune to establish the Nobel Prizes for peace, chemistry, physics, medicine, and literature.
Fast Facts: Alfred Nobel
Known For: Inventor of dynamite and benefactor of the Nobel Prize
Born: October 21, 1833 in Stockholm, Sweden
Parents: Immanuel Nobel and Caroline Andrietta Ahlsell
Died: December 10, 1896 in San Remo, Italy
Education: Private tutors
Patents: U.S. patent number 78,317 for “Improved Explosive Compound.”
Awards: Elected to Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, 1884
Notable Quote: “Good wishes alone will not ensure peace.”
Early Life
Alfred Bernhard Nobel was born on October 21, 1833, in Stockholm, Sweden, one of eight children born to Immanuel Nobel and Caroline Andrietta Ahlsell. The same year Nobel was born, his father, an inventor and engineer, went bankrupt due to financial misfortune and a fire that destroyed much of his work. These hardships left the family in poverty, with only Alfred and his three brothers surviving past childhood. Though prone to illness, the young Nobel showed an interest in explosives, having inherited a passion for technology and engineering from his father, who had graduated from the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. Nobel was also a descendant of the 17th-century Swedish scientist, Olaus Rudbeck.
After failing at various business ventures in Stockholm, Immanuel Nobel moved to St. Petersburg, Russia, in 1837, where he established himself as a successful mechanical engineer providing equipment for the Russian Army. His work included torpedoes and explosive mines, which would detonate when a ship hit them. These mines worked by using a small explosion to set off bigger ones, an insight which would later prove helpful to his son, Alfred, in his invention of dynamite.
Alfred Nobel, aged 20. Artist: Anonymous.Heritage Images / Getty Images
In 1842, Alfred and the rest of the Nobel family joined Immanuel in St. Petersburg. Now prosperous, Nobel’s parents were able to send him to the finest private tutors who taught him the natural sciences, languages, and literature. By age 16, he had mastered chemistry and was fluent in English, French, German, and Russian as well as Swedish.
Nobel’s Path to Dynamite and Wealth
One of Nobel’s tutors was the accomplished Russian organic chemist Nikolai Zinin, who first told him about nitroglycerine, the explosive chemical in dynamite. Though Nobel was interested in poetry and literature, his father wanted him to become an engineer, and in 1850, he sent him to Paris to study chemical engineering.
Though he never obtained a degree or attended the university, Nobel worked in the Royal College of Chemistry laboratory of Professor Jules Pélouze. It was there that Nobel was introduced to Professor Pélouze’s assistant, Italian chemist Ascanio Sobrero, who had invented nitroglycerin in 1847. Though the explosive power of the chemical was much greater than that of gunpowder, it tended to explode unpredictably when subjected to heat or pressure and could not be handled with any degree of safety. As a result, it was rarely used outside the laboratory.
His experiences with Pélouze and Sobrero in Paris inspired Nobel to look for a way to make nitroglycerin a safe and commercially usable explosive. In 1851, at age 18, Nobel spent a year in the United States studying and working under Swedish-American inventor John Ericsson, designer of the American Civil War ironclad warship USS Monitor.
Alfred Nobel portrait.Bettmann Archive / Getty Images
Advances With Nitroglycerine
In 1852, Nobel returned to Russia to work in his father’s St. Petersburg business, which had flourished through its sales to the Russian Army. However, when the Crimean War ended in 1856, the army canceled its orders, leading Nobel and his father Immanuel to look for new products to sell.
Nobel and his father had heard of nitroglycerine from Professor Zinin, who had shown it to them at the beginning of the Crimean War. They began working on nitroglycerine together. One idea, for example, was to use nitroglycerine to improve explosives for Immanuel’s mines. However, Immanuel was not able to achieve any notable improvement. Nobel, on the other hand, made significant strides with the chemical.
In 1859, Immanuel was facing bankruptcy again and returned to Sweden with his wife and another of his sons. Meanwhile, Nobel stayed in St. Petersburg with his brothers Ludvig and Robert. His brothers soon focused on rebuilding the family business, eventually turning it into an oil empire called The Brothers Nobel.
The Nobel Brothers Petroleum Company in Baku, Second Half of the 19th cen. Private Collection.Heritage Images / Getty Images
In 1863, Nobel returned to Stockholm and continued working with nitroglycerine. That same year, he invented a practical explosives detonator consisting of a wooden plug inserted into a larger charge of nitroglycerin held in a metal container. Based on his father’s experience in using small explosions to set off larger ones, Nobel’s detonator used a small charge of black powder in the wooden plug, which when detonated, set off the much more powerful charge of liquid nitroglycerin in the metal container. Patented in 1864, Nobel’s detonator established him as an inventor and paved the way to the fortune he was destined to amass as the first mogul of the explosives industry.
Nobel soon began mass producing nitroglycerine in Stockholm, founding companies throughout Europe. However, several accidents with nitroglycerine led authorities to introduce regulations restricting the manufacture and transport of explosives.
In 1865, Nobel invented an improved version of his detonator he called the blasting cap. Instead of a wooden plug, his blasting cap consisted of a small metal cap containing a charge of mercury fulminate that could be exploded by either shock or moderate heat. The blasting cap revolutionized the field of explosives and would prove integral to the development of modern explosives.
Nobel’s new blasting techniques garnered significant attention from mining companies and the state railways, which began to use it in their construction work. However, a series of accidental explosions involving the chemical—including one which killed Nobel’s brother Emil—convinced authorities that nitroglycerine was extremely dangerous. The use of nitroglycerine was banned in Stockholm, and Nobel continued to manufacture the chemical on a barge on a lake near the city. Despite the high risk involved in using nitroglycerine, the chemical had become essential to mining and railway construction.
Dynamite, Gelignite, and Ballistite
Nobel continued looking for ways to make nitroglycerine safer. During his experiments, he found that combining nitroglycerine with kieselguhr (also called diatomaceous earth; mostly made of silica) formed a paste that allowed the chemical to be shaped and detonated on command. In 1867, Nobel received a British patent for his invention he called “dynamite,” and publicly demonstrated his new explosive for the first time at a quarry in Redhill, Surrey, England. Already thinking of how he might best market his invention, and mindful of nitroglycerine’s bad image, Nobel had first considered naming the highly powerful substance “Nobel’s Safety Powder,” but settled with dynamite instead, referring to the Greek word for “power” (dynamis). In 1868, Nobel was awarded his better-known United States patent for dynamite referred to as “Improved Explosive Compound.” The same year, he received an honorary award from the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences for “important inventions for the practical use of mankind.”
Alfred Nobel’s Extradynamit dynaite.Heritage Images / Getty Images
Safer to handle and more stable than nitroglycerin, the demand for Nobel’s dynamite surged. Since the user could control the explosions, it had many applications in construction work, including tunnel blasting and road building. Nobel continued creating companies and laboratories all over the world, amassing a fortune.
Nobel went on to combine nitroglycerin with other materials to produce even more commercially-successful explosives. In 1876, he was awarded a patent for “gelignite,” a transparent, jelly-like explosive both more stable and powerful than dynamite. Unlike traditional rigid sticks of dynamite, gelignite, or “blasting gelatin,” as Nobel called it, can be molded to fit into pre-bored holes typically used in rock blasting. Soon adopted as the standard explosive for mining, gelignite brought Nobel even greater financial success. A year later, he patented “ballistite,” the forerunner of modern smokeless gunpowder. Though Nobel’s main business was explosives, he also worked on other products, such as synthetic leather and artificial silk.
In 1884, Nobel was honored by being elected a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, and in 1893, he was awarded an honorary doctorate degree from Uppsala University in Uppsala, Sweden, the oldest university in all of the Nordic countries still in operation today.
Workers at Nobel Explosives Company Limited, Ardeer, Ayrshire, 1884. 2: gate to Danger Department, with searcher on duty. 3: laboratory. 4: stores. 5: preparation of Kieselguhr which was mixed with nitroglycerine to form dynamite. 6: producing nitric acid. From The Illustrated London News, 16 April 1884.Print Collector / Getty Images
Personal Life
Even as Nobel was building his explosives industry fortune, his brothers Ludvig and Robert were becoming wealthy themselves by developing oil fields along the shores of the Caspian Sea. By investing in his brothers’ oil businesses, Nobel obtained even greater wealth. With businesses in Europe and America, Nobel traveled throughout most of his life but maintained a home in Paris from 1873 to 1891. Despite achieving undeniable success in both his inventing and business undertakings, Nobel remained a reclusive individual who suffered through periods of deep depression. True to his lifelong interest in literature, he wrote poems, novels, and plays, few of which were ever published. An agnostic in his youth, Nobel became an atheist in his later life. However, during his years in Paris, Nobel was a practicing Lutheran who regularly attended the Church of Sweden Abroad, led by pastor Nathan Söderblom, who received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1930.
Politically, while Nobel was considered a progressive by his contemporaries, he might have best been described as a classical liberal, perhaps even a Libertarian. He opposed allowing women to vote and often expressed his distrust of democracy and its inherent politics as a mechanism for selecting government leaders. A pacifist at heart, Nobel often expressed a hope that the mere threat of the destructive powers of his explosive inventions would forever end war. However, he remained pessimistic about the willingness and ability of mankind and governments to maintain perpetual peace.
Nobel never married, possibly fearing that romantic relationships might interfere with his first love—inventing. However, at the age of 43, he advertised himself in a newspaper as: “Wealthy, highly educated elderly gentleman seeks lady of mature age, versed in languages, as secretary and supervisor of household.” An Austrian woman named Bertha Kinsky answered the ad, but two weeks later she returned to Austria to marry Count Arthur von Suttner. Despite their brief relationship, Nobel and Bertha von Suttner continued to correspond with one another. Later becoming active in the peace movement, Bertha wrote the famous 1889 book “Lay Down Your Arms.” It is believed Nobel may have tried to justify his inventions to Bertha with the rationale that he could create something so destructive and terrible that it would stop all wars forever.
Laboratorium of Alfred Nobel at his Villa in San Remo, 1890s. Found in the collection of Nobelmuseet Stockholm. Artist: Anonymous.Heritage Images / Getty Images
Later Life and Death
After being accused of high treason against France for selling ballistite to Italy in 1891, Nobel moved from Paris to San Remo, Italy. By 1895, he had developed angina pectoris, and died of a stroke on December 10, 1896, at his villa in San Remo, Italy.
By the time of his death at age 63, Nobel had been issued 355 patents and, despite his apparent pacifist beliefs, had established more than 90 explosives and ammunitions factories worldwide.
The reading of Nobel’s will left his family, friends, and the general public in shock when it was disclosed that he had left the bulk of his fortune—31 million Swedish kronor (over 265 million U.S. dollars today)—to create what is now regarded as the most coveted international award, the Nobel Prize.
Legacy, the Nobel Prize
Nobel’s highly controversial will was challenged in court by his disgruntled relatives. It would take his two chosen executors four years to convince all parties that Alfred’s final wishes should be honored. In 1901, the first Nobel Prizes in physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, and literature were awarded in Stockholm, Sweden, and the Peace Prize in what is now Oslo, Norway.
A plaque depicting Alfred Nobel adorns the lecturn during The Nobel Peace Prize Ceremony at Oslo City Hall on December 10, 2012 in Oslo, Norway.WireImage / Getty Images
Nobel never explained why he chose to bequeath his fortune to establish his namesake awards. Always a rather reticent character, he remained largely isolated in the days before his death. However, it is possible that a freakish incident in 1888 may have motivated him. In that year, Nobel’s oil industry magnate brother Ludvig had died in Cannes, France. One popular French newspaper reported Ludvig’s death, but confused him with Alfred, printing the glaring headline “Le marchand de la mort est mort” (“The merchant of death is dead”). Having worked so hard during his life to portray himself as a pacifist at heart, Nobel was outraged to read what might be written about him in his future obituary. He may have created the prizes to avoid being posthumously labeled a warmonger.
There is also evidence that Nobel’s long and close relationship with the noted Austrian pacifist Bertha von Suttner influenced him to establish the prize awarded for contributions to peace. Indeed, Noble’s will specifically stated that the Peace Prize should be awarded to the person who in the preceding year “shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses.”
Biography of Samuel Colt,(July 19, 1814–January 10, 1862) was an American inventor, industrialist, and entrepreneur best remembered for perfecting a revolving cylinder mechanism that enabled a gun to be fired multiple times without reloading. Later versions of his legendary Colt revolver pistol, first patented in 1836, played a key role in settling the American West. By advancing the use of interchangeable parts and assembly lines, Colt became one of the wealthiest industrialists of the 19th century.
Fast Facts: Samuel Colt
Known For: Perfected the Colt revolver pistol, one of the legendary firearms said to have “won the West”
Born: July 19, 1814 in Hartford, Connecticut
Parents: Christopher Colt and Sarah Caldwell Colt
Died: January 10, 1862 in Hartford, Connecticut
Education: Attended Amherst Academy in Amherst, Massachusetts
Patents: US Patent: 9,430X: Revolving Gun
Spouses: Elizabeth Hart Jarvis
Children: Caldwell Hart Colt
Early Life
Samuel Colt was born on July 19, 1814, in Hartford, Connecticut, to businessman Christopher Colt and Sarah Caldwell Colt. One of young Colt’s earliest and most-prized possessions was a flintlock pistol that had belonged to his maternal grandfather, who had served as an officer in Gen. George Washington’s Continental Army during the American Revolution. At age 11, Colt was sent to Glastonbury, Connecticut, to live and work on the farm of a family friend. While attending grade school in Glastonbury, Colt became fascinated with the “Compendium of Knowledge,” an early encyclopedia. Articles he read on steamboat inventor Robert Fulton and gunpowder would inspire him throughout his life.
Portrait of Samuel Colt, c. 1855.MPI / Getty Images
During 1829, the 15-year-old Colt worked in his father’s textiles processing plant in Ware, Massachusetts, where he honed his skills in the use of machine tools and manufacturing processes. In his spare time, he experimented with gunpowder charges, setting off small explosions on nearby Ware Lake. In 1830, Colt’s father sent him to the private Amherst Academy in Amherst, Massachusetts. Though reportedly a good student, he was often disciplined for conducting unapproved demonstrations of his explosive devices. After one such display at the school’s 1830 July 4th celebration caused a fire on campus, Amherst expelled him and his father sent him off to learn the seaman’s trade.
From Sailor to Firearms Legend
By the fall of 1830, the 16-year-old Colt was working as an apprentice seaman on the brig Corvo. From studying how the ship’s wheel and capstan worked, he conceived of how a similarly rotating cylinder could be used to load individual cartridges in front of a gun’s firing barrel. Based on his idea, he began carving wooden models of the gun of his dreams. As Colt would later recall, “regardless of which way the wheel was spun, each spoke always came in direct line with a clutch that could be set to hold it. The revolver was conceived!”
When he returned to Massachusetts in 1832, Colt showed his carved model guns to his father, who agreed to finance the production of two pistols and one rifle based on the design. While the prototype rifle worked well, one of the pistols exploded and the other failed to fire. Though Colt blamed the failures on shoddy workmanship and cheap materials, his father withdrew his financial support. To earn money to pay for more professionally-built guns, Colt began touring the country giving public demonstrations of the new medical marvel of the day, nitrous oxide—laughing gas. It was through these often-outlandishly dramatic displays that Colt developed his skills as a gifted Madison Avenue-style pitchman.
Colt’s Famed Revolvers
With the money he had saved from his “medicine man” days, Colt was able to have prototype guns built by professional gunsmiths. Instead of multiple individually-loaded rotating barrels used in early repeating firearms, Colt’s revolver used a single fixed barrel attached to a rotating cylinder holding six cartridges. The action of cocking the gun’s hammer rotated the cylinder to align the next cartridge to be fired with the gun’s barrel. Rather than claiming to have invented the revolver, Colt always acknowledged that his gun had been an improvement to a revolving flintlock pistol patented by Boston gunsmith Elisha Collier around 1814.
Colt Frontier revolver, invented by Samuel Colt (1814-62), c1850.Oxford Science Archive/Print Collector/Getty Images
With the help of master gunsmith John Pearson, Colt continued to refine and improve his revolver. After receiving an English patent in 1835, the U.S. Patent Office granted Samuel Colt US patent 9430X for a “Revolving Gun” on February 25, 1836. Along with a group of influential investors including U.S. Patent Office superintendent Henry Ellsworth, Colt opened the Patent Arms Manufacturing Company in Paterson, New Jersey to produce his revolver.
In manufacturing his guns, Colt further advanced the use of interchangeable parts introduced around 1800 by cotton gin inventor Eli Whitney. As he had envisioned, Colt’s guns were built on an assembly line. In an 1836 letter to his father, Colt said of the process, “The first workman would receive two or three of the most important parts and would affix these and pass them on to the next who would add a part and pass the growing article on to another who would do the same, and so on until the complete arm is put together.”
Reproduction examples of early Colt revolvers: Colt Paterson, Colt Walker, Colt 3rd Variation Revolving Holster Pistol (Dragoon).Michael E. Cumpston / Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain
Although Colt’s Patent Arms Company had produced over 1,000 guns by the end of 1837, few had been sold. After a series of economic downturns, exacerbated by Colt’s own lavish spending habits, the company closed its Paterson, New Jersey, plant in 1842. However, when the Mexican-American War broke out in 1846, the U.S. government ordered 1,000 pistols and Colt was back in business. In 1855, he opened Colt’s Manufacturing Company in its current location of Hartford, Connecticut, with sales offices in New York and London, England. Within a year, the company was producing 150 guns a day.
During the American Civil War (1861—1865), Colt supplied firearms exclusively to the Union Army. At the height of the war, Colt’s Manufacturing Company plant in Hartford was running at full capacity, employing over 1,000 people. By 1875, Samuel Colt—now one of America’s richest men—was living in his sprawling Hartford, Connecticut, mansion he named Armsmear.
Other Inventions
Between the failure of the Patent Arms Manufacturing Company in 1842 and the success of his Colt’s Manufacturing Company, Samuel Colt’s inventive and entrepreneurial juices continued to flow. In 1842, he landed a government contract to perfect an underwater explosive mine for protecting U.S. harbors from a feared British invasion. To set off his mines remotely, Colt teamed with telegraph inventor Samuel F.B. Morse to invent a waterproof tar-coated cable for transmitting an electrical charge to the mine. Morse would go on to use Colt’s waterproof cable for running telegraph lines under lakes, rivers, and eventually the Atlantic Ocean.
On July 4, 1842, Morse demonstrated his underwater mine by spectacularly destroying a large moving barge. Though the U.S. Navy and President John Tyler were impressed, John Quincy Adams, then a U.S. Representative from Massachusetts, blocked Congress from funding the project. Believing them not to be “fair and honest warfare,” Adams called Colt’s mine an “unchristian contraption.”
With his mine project abandoned, Colt began working to perfect one of his earlier inventions, the tinfoil ammunition cartridge. In the 1840s, most rifle and pistol ammunition consisted of a gunpowder charge and a lead ball projectile wrapped in a paper envelope. While the paper cartridges were easier and faster to load into the gun, the powder would not ignite if the paper got wet. After trying other materials, Colt decided to use a very thin, yet waterproof, type of tinfoil. In 1843, after two years of testing, the U.S. Army agreed to buy 200,000 of Colt’s tinfoil musket cartridges. Colt’s tinfoil cartridge was the forerunner of the modern brass ammunition cartridge introduced around 1845.
Later Life and Death
Colt’s career as an inventor and business promoter prevented him from marrying until after he had attained his considerable fame and fortune. In June 1856, at age 42, he married Elizabeth Hart Jarvis in an opulent ceremony aboard a steamboat overlooking his Hartford, Connecticut, arms factory. Though they were together only six years before Colt’s death, the couple had five children, only one of which, Caldwell Hart Colt, survived beyond infancy.
Samuel Colt had amassed a fortune, but he barely had time to enjoy his wealth. He died at age 47 from chronic rheumatoid arthritis at his Armsmear mansion on January 10, 1862. He is buried along with his wife Elizabeth at the Cedar Hill Cemetery in Hartford, Connecticut. Colt’s net worth at the time of his death was estimated at $15 million—or about $382 million today.
Following her husband’s death, Elizabeth Colt inherited a controlling interest in Colt’s Manufacturing Company. In 1865, her brother Richard Jarvis took over as president of the company and together they oversaw it into the early 20th century.
Elizabeth Colt sold the company to a group of investors in 1901. During Samuel Colt’s lifetime, Colt’s Manufacturing Company had produced more than 400,000 firearms and remains in business today, having manufactured more than 30 million pistols and rifles since its founding in 1855.
Under his 1836 patent, Colt maintained a monopoly over the production of revolvers in the United States until 1857. As one of the first American-made products to be widely exported abroad, Colt’s firearms contributed to the industrial revolution that transformed the once-isolated United States into a leading economic and military power.
As the first practical pistol capable of firing multiple shots without being reloaded, Colt’s revolver became a key tool in the settlement of the American West. Between 1840 and 1900, Biography of Samuel Colt more than two million settlers moved West, with most of them depending on firearms for their survival. In the hands of larger than life heroes and villains alike, the Colt .45 revolver became an inexorable part of American history.
Colt Single-Action Army Revolver, the iconic “Peacemaker”.Metropolitan Museum of Art / Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain
Today, Biography of Samuel Colt when historians and gun aficionados Biography of Samuel Colt speak of the “guns that won the West,” they are referring to the Winchester Biography of Samuel Colt Model 1873 lever-action rifle and the Biography of Samuel Colt famed Colt Single Action Army model revolver—Biography of Samuel Colt the “Peacemaker.”
Biographry of Eli Whitney and Founder of Cotton Gin, (December 8, 1765–January 8, 1825) was an American inventor, manufacturer, and mechanical engineer who invented the cotton gin. One of the most significant inventions of the American Industrial Revolution, the cotton gin turned cotton into a highly profitable crop. The invention revived the economy of the Antebellum South and sustained enslavement as a key economic and social institution in the Southern states—both of which helped to create conditions that led to the American Civil War.
Fast Facts: Eli Whitney
Known For: Invented the cotton gin and popularized the concept of mass production of interchangeable parts
Born: December 8, 1765 in Westborough, MA
Parents: Eli Whitney, Sr. and Elizabeth Fay Whitney
Died: January 8, 1825 in New Haven, CT
Education: Yale College
Patents: U.S. Patent No. 72-X: Cotton Gin (1794)
Spouse: Henrietta Edwards
Children: Elizabeth Fay, Frances, Susan, and Eli, Jr.
Notable Quote: “An invention can be so valuable as to be worthless to the inventor.”
Early Life and Education
Eli Whitney was born on December 8, 1765, in Westborough, Massachusetts. His father, Eli Whitney Sr., was a respected farmer who also served as a justice of the peace. His mother, Elizabeth Fay, died in 1777. The young Whitney was considered a born mechanic. He could take apart and reassemble his father’s watch, and he designed and built a violin. By age 14, during the Revolutionary War, Biographry of Eli Whitney and Founder of Cotton Gin Biographry of Eli Whitney and Founder of Cotton Gin Biographry of Eli Whitney and Founder of Cotton Gin Whitney was running a profitable nail forge out of his father’s workshop.
Before entering college, Whitney worked as a farm laborer and school teacher while studying at Leicester Academy in Worcester, Massachusetts. He entered Yale College in the fall of 1789 and graduated Phi Beta Kappa in 1792, having learned many of the latest concepts in science and industrial technology.
Path to the Cotton Gin
After graduating from Yale, Whitney hoped to practice law and teach, but he wasn’t able to land a job. He left Massachusetts to take a position as a private tutor at Mulberry Grove, a Georgia plantation owned by Catherine Littlefield Greene. Whitney soon became a close friend of Greene and her plantation manager, Phineas Miller. A fellow Yale graduate, Miller would eventually become Whitney’s business partner.
At Mulberry Grove, Whitney learned that inland Southern growers desperately needed a way to make cotton a profitable crop. Long-staple cotton was easy to separate from its seeds, but could only be grown along the Atlantic coast. Short staple cotton, the one variety that grew inland, had many small and sticky green seeds that took time and labor to pick out of the cotton bolls. Profits from tobacco were shrinking because of over-supply and soil exhaustion, so the success of cotton growing was vital to the economic survival of the South.
Whitney realized that machines capable of efficiently removing the seeds from short-staple cotton could make the South prosperous and its inventor wealthy. With the moral and financial support of Catherine Greene, Whitney went to work on his best-known invention: the cotton gin.
The Cotton Gin
In a matter of weeks, Whitney built a working model of the cotton gin. A cotton gin is a machine that removes the seeds from raw cotton fiber, a previously labor-intensive process. In one day, a single Whitney cotton gin could produce nearly 60 pounds of clean, ready to weave cotton. By contrast, hand-cleaning could produce only a few pounds of cotton in a day.
ThoughtCo / Hilary Allison
Similar in concept to today’s massive cotton processing plants, Whitney’s cotton gin employed a rotating wooden drum studded with hooks that grabbed the raw cotton fibers and pulled them through a mesh screen. Too large to fit through the mesh, the cotton seeds fell outside the gin. Whitney liked to say that he had been inspired by watching a cat trying to pull a chicken through a fence and seeing that only the feathers through came through.
On March 14, 1794, the U.S. government granted Whitney a patent—Patent No. 72-X—for his cotton gin. Rather than selling the gins, Whitney and his business partner Phineas Miller planned to profit by charging growers to clean their cotton with them. However, the mechanical simplicity of the cotton gin, the primitive state of U.S. patent law at the time, and the growers’ objections to Whitney’s scheme made attempts to infringe on his patent inevitable.
Eli Whitney’s original patent for the cotton gin, dated March 14, 1794.Records of the Patent and Trademark Office, Record Group 241, National Archives / Public Domain
Unable to build enough gins to meet the demand for their cotton cleaning services, Whitney and Miller watched as other makers churned out similar gins ready for sale. Eventually, the legal costs of protecting their patent rights consumed their profits and drove their cotton gin company out of business in 1797. When the government refused to renew his cotton gin patent, Whitney remarked that “an invention can be so valuable as to be worthless to the inventor.” Embittered by the experience, he would never attempt to patent any of his later inventions.
Though he never profited from it, Whitney’s cotton gin transformed Southern agriculture and bolstered the U.S. economy. Growing textile mills in New England and Europe became eager buyers of Southern cotton. After the introduction of the gin, U.S. cotton exports grew from less than 500,000 pounds in 1793 to 93 million pounds by 1810. Cotton soon became America’s main export, representing over half the value of total U.S. exports from 1820 to 1860.
The cotton gin significantly bolstered the African slave trade. In fact, the gin made growing cotton so profitable that growers enslaved more people. According to many historians, the invention of the gin made growing cotton with the stolen labor of enslaved people a highly profitable undertaking that became the primary source of wealth in the American South and helped drive westward expansion from Georgia to Texas. Paradoxically, while the gin made “King Cotton” a dominant American economic force, it also sustained enslavement as an economic and social institution in the Southern states, a key cause of the American Civil War.
Interchangeable Parts
By the late 1790s, legal fees from patent fights and a fire that destroyed his cotton gin factory had left Whitney on the verge of bankruptcy. However, inventing the cotton gin had earned him a reputation for ingenuity and mechanical expertise which he would soon apply to a major government project.
In 1797, the U.S. government was preparing for a possible war with France, but the government armories had managed to produce only 1,000 muskets in three years. The reason for this slow pace was the conventional method of arms production, in which every part of every musket was handmade by a single gunsmith. Since each weapon was unique, replacement parts had to be specially made—a time-consuming and costly process. To speed up production, the War Department solicited bids from private contractors for the manufacture of 10,000 muskets.
Eli Whitney had never built a gun in his life, but he won the government contract by proposing to deliver all 10,000 muskets in just two years. To accomplish this seemingly impossible feat, he proposed inventing new machine tools that would enable unskilled workers to make identical individual parts of each particular musket model. Since any part would fit any musket, repairs could be made quickly in the field.
A depiction of the Eli Whitney gun factory in Whitneyville by William Giles Munson. Oil on canvas, 1826-8.Yale University Art Gallery / Public Domain
To build the muskets, Whitney built an entire town called Whitneyville, located in the present-day Hamden, Connecticut. At the center of Whitneyville was the Whitney Armory. Employees lived and worked in Whitneyville; to attract and keep the best workers, Whitney provided free housing and education and vocational training for the workers’ children.
By January 1801, Whitney had failed to deliver a single gun. He was summoned to Washington to justify his continued use of government funds. In a storied display, Whitney reportedly amazed outgoing President John Adams and President-elect Thomas Jefferson by assembling several working muskets from a random selection of parts. It was later proven that Whitney had actually marked the correct musket parts beforehand. However, the demonstration won Whitney continued funding and credit for what Jefferson declared “the dawn of the machine age.”
Ultimately, it took Whitney ten years to deliver the 10,000 muskets he had contracted to deliver in two. When the government questioned Whitney’s price per musket compared to the weapons made in the government armories, he provided a complete cost breakdown, including fixed costs such as machinery and insurance, which were not included in the production costs of the government-made guns. He is credited for one of the first demonstrations of total cost accounting and economic efficiency in manufacturing.
Today, Whitney’s role as the originator of the idea of interchangeable parts has been largely disproven. As early as 1785, French gunsmith Honoré Blanc suggested making easily replaceable gun parts from standard templates. In fact, Thomas Jefferson, then serving as American minister to France, visited Blanc’s workshop in 1789 and was reportedly impressed by his methods. However, Blanc’s idea was flatly rejected by the French gun market, as individual competing gunsmiths realized the devastating effect it would have on their business. Even earlier, English naval engineer Samuel Bentham originated the use of standardized parts in wooden pulleys for raising and lowering sails.
While the idea was not his own, Whitney’s work nevertheless did much to popularize the v of interchangeable parts in the United States.
Later Life
Until middle age, Whitney put much of his personal life, including marriage and family, on hold. His work had been his life. In a series of letters to his old patron, Catherine Greene, Whitney revealed his feelings of isolation and loneliness. After Greene married Whitney’s former cotton gin business partner Phineas Miller, Whitney began to refer to himself as the “solitary Old Bachelor.”
In 1817, at age 52, Whitney moved to recapture his personal life when he married 31-year-old Henrietta Edwards. Henrietta was a granddaughter of famed evangelist Jonathan Edwards and daughter of Pierpont Edwards, then the head of the Connecticut Democratic Party. The couple had three daughters and one son: Elizabeth Fay, Frances, Susan, and Eli. Known throughout his life as “Eli Whitney, Jr.,” Whitney’s son took over his father’s arms manufacturing business and taught physics and mechanical arts at the University of Vermont, Cornell University, Columbia College, and Brown University.
Eli Whitney died of prostate cancer on January 8, 1825, just a month after his 59th birthday. Though plagued by the pain of his illness, Whitney studied human anatomy with his doctors and invented a new type of catheter and other devices to help ease his pain. In his final days, Whitney sketched designs for improved tools for making lock parts.
The nation’s high regard for Whitney was expressed in his obituary published in the Niles Weekly Register on January 25, 1825:
His [Whitney’s] inventive genius rendered him one of the greatest benefactors of the age, and was the means of changing the whole course of industry in the southern section of the union.
Mr. Whitney was a gentleman of extensive literary and scientific attainments, of liberal and expanded views, benevolent in his feelings, and mild and unassuming in his manners. While his death will be regarded by the nation as a public calamity, it will be felt in the circle of his private friends as a bereavement of its brightest ornament.
Whitney was buried in the Grove Street Cemetery in New Haven, Connecticut. The foundation of the building where his first operating cotton gin was erected still stands on the grounds of the old Mulberry Grove plantation in Port Wentworth, Georgia. However, the most visible monument to Whitney’s memory is located in Hamden, Connecticut, where the Eli Whitney Museum and Workshop has preserved the remains of his groundbreaking musket factory village on the Mill River.
Never active or even interested in politics or public affairs, Whitney did not live to see his inventions’ sweeping impact on the development of America. His cotton gin revolutionized agriculture in the South, but made the region even more dependent on stolen labor of enslaved people. At the same time, his advances in more efficient manufacturing methods helped the North grow its wealth and status as an industrial power. In 1861, these two divergent economic, political, and social systems collided in what remains the nation’s bloodiest war: the American Civil War.
Today, the Eli Whitney Students Program at Yale University, named in Whitney’s honor, offers a preferred admissions program for individuals whose educational careers have been interrupted.
Biography of Isaac Singer, Quilters remember Isaac Merritt Singer as the inventor of the Singer sewing machine, but before making improvements to the sewing machine designs of his era, Singer was an actor, and also patented other types of machinery, including rock drilling equipment. Singer was born on October 27, 1811, in Pittstown, New York. He died on July 23, 1875, in Devon, England.
Singer Sewing Machines
Issac Singer’s early sewing machines were pricey for the time, selling for $100 each. While they cost less than Elias Howe’s $300 sewing machines, they were still beyond the budget of most American families.
Singer began to mass-produce his product, refining the design while making the machines less clumsy and much less expensive than the earliest model. The Singer Company grew rapidly after it began to take trade-ins and accept installment payments for sewing machines, making its products affordable to more households.
Singer built elaborate showrooms for his sewing machines, and developed a worldwide network that sold parts, made repairs and offered training instructions. His work as an actor prepared Singer to be a showman—he was a born salesman.
Important Dates in Singer Sewing Machine History
Isaac Singer made an impact on the growing sewing market when he developed a lockstitch sewing machine in 1850, improving the design of a Lerow & Blodgett model. Singer’s sewing machine could sew 900 stitches per minute, a huge improvement over the 250 stitches from Elias Howe’s machines.
In 1851, Singer received a patent for his modifications, which included a presser foot and an improved shuttle for the second thread. Singer’s design was the first sewing machine to sew a continuous, reliable straight or curved seam.
By 1890, fifteen years after Isaac’s death, Singer machines made up 90% of the world’s sewing machine sales.
In 1933, the company introduced its Featherweight sewing machine at the Chicago World’s Fair. The little machines remained in production for more than three decades and are still popular with today’s quilters.
In 1939, the company temporarily halted the development of sewing machines to produce wartime supplies.
In 1975, Singer introduced the world’s first electronic sewing machine.
American Lockstitch Sewing Machines
Walter Hunt is probably the first American to develop a sewing machine that produced a lockstitch, but he didn’t patent his 1832 invention.
Twelve years later, in 1846, Elias Howe was awarded a U.S. patent for developing a sewing machine capable of producing a lockstitch from two threads.
The machines were similar—both used needles with eyes at the bottom end, rather than at the top, which had been the norm. The fabric was fed horizontally through Hunt’s sewing machine, vertically through Elias Howe’s.
Hunt lost interest in his invention and Elias Howe couldn’t find buyers or investors. Each of Howe’s machine took a few months to build and were difficult to use.
Elias Howe’s Lawsuit Against Isaac Singer
Elias Howe was in England when the U.S sewing machine business blossomed. When he returned to America, Howe filed a lawsuit against manufacturers he felt were infringing on his patent, including Isaac Singer.
Some of Howe’s lawsuits were settled out of court, but his case against Singer went to the U.S. Supreme Court, which ruled in Howe’s favor, awarding him a lump sum for past sales and royalties for future sales of sewing machines.
Isaac Singer’s Personal Life
We really hadn’t thought much about the personal life of Isaac Singer until searching for photographs of early sewing machines. He was a busy guy.While married to his wife Catharine, Singer proposed to Mary Ann Sponsler, and although the pair were never legally married, the union produced eight children. Singer was eventually granted a divorce from Catharine based on her adultery with another man.Singer became the father of more children during an affair with a company employee before Mary Ann Sponsler discovered the relationship. Later, Singer fathered additional children with a woman he’d become acquainted with in Paris.Isaac M. Singer listed 22 children in his will, but family records show that two more children who were not listed died when they were very young.
Singer Sewing Machines Today
The Singer Sewing Machine company has had its ups and downs in recent years, Biography of Isaac Singer but seems to be gaining in momentum again, Biography of Isaac Singer and remains a more affordable choice for home sewers than many other brands.
History of the Sewing Machine, Hand sewing is an art form that is over 20,000 years old. The first sewing needles were made of bones or animal horns, and the first thread was made of animal sinew. Iron needles were invented in the 14th century. The first eyed needles appeared in the 15th century. Birth of Mechanical Sewing The first possible patent connected to mechanical sewing was a 1755 British patent issued to German, Charles Weisenthal. Weisenthal was issued a patent for a needle that was designed for a machine. However, the patent did not describe the rest of the machine. It is unknown whether a machine existed.
Several Inventors Attempt to Improve Sewing
The English inventor and cabinet maker, Thomas Saint was issued the first patent for a complete machine for sewing in 1790. It is not known if Saint built a working prototype of his invention. The patent describes an awl that punched a hole in leather and passed a needle through the hole. A later reproduction of Saint’s invention based on his patent drawings did not work.
In 1810, German, Balthasar Krems invented the automatic machine for sewing caps. Krems did not patent his invention, and it never functioned well.
Austrian tailor, Josef Madersperger made several attempts at inventing the machine for sewing and was issued a patent in 1814. All of his efforts were considered unsuccessful.
In 1804, a French patent was granted to Thomas Stone and James Henderson for “a machine that emulated hand sewing.” That same year a patent was granted to Scott John Duncan for an “embroidery machine with multiple needles.” Both inventions failed and were soon forgotten by the public.
In 1818, the first American sewing machine was invented by John Adams Doge and John Knowles. Their machine failed to sew any useful amount of fabric before malfunctioning.
The First Functional Machine That Caused a Riot
The first functional sewing machine was invented by the French tailor, Barthelemy Thimonnier, in 1830. Thimonnier’s machine used only one thread and a hooked needle that made the same chain stitch used with embroidery. The inventor was almost killed by an enraged group of French tailors who burned down his garment factory because they feared unemployment as a result of his sewing machine invention.
Walter Hunt and Elias Howe
In 1834, Walter Hunt built America’s first (somewhat) successful sewing machine. He later lost interest in patenting because he believed his invention would cause unemployment. (Hunt’s machine could only sew straight steams.) Hunt never patented and in 1846, the first American patent was issued to Elias Howe for “a process that used thread from two different sources.”
Elias Howe’s machine had a needle with an eye at the point. The needle was pushed through the cloth and created a loop on the other side; a shuttle on a track then slipped the second thread through the loop, creating what is called the lockstitch. However, Elias Howe later encountered problems defending his patent and marketing his invention.
For the next nine years, Elias Howe struggled, first to enlist interest in his machine, then to protect his patent from imitators. His lockstitch mechanism was adopted by others who were developing innovations of their own. Isaac Singer invented the up-and-down motion mechanism, and Allen Wilson developed a rotary hook shuttle.
Isaac Singer vs. Elias Howe
Sewing machines did not go into mass production until the 1850s when Isaac Singer built the first commercially successful machine. Singer built the first sewing machine where the needle moved up and down rather than the side-to-side, and a foot treadle powered the needle. Previous machines were all hand-cranked.
However, Isaac Singer’s machine used the same lockstitch that Howe had patented. Elias Howe sued Isaac Singer for patent infringement and won in 1854. Walter Hunt’s sewing machine also used a lockstitch with two spools of thread and an eye-pointed needle; however, the courts upheld Howe’s patent since Hunt had abandoned his patent.
If Hunt had patented his invention, Elias Howe would have lost his case, and Isaac Singer would have won. Since he lost, Isaac Singer had to pay Elias Howe patent royalties.
Note: In 1844, Englishmen John Fisher received a patent for a lace-making machine that was identical enough to the machines made by Howe and Singer that if Fisher’s patent had not been lost in the patent office, John Fisher would also have been part of the patent battle.
After successfully defending his right to a share in the profits of his invention, Elias Howe saw his annual income jump from $300 to more than $200,000 a year. Between 1854 and 1867, Howe earned close to $2 million from his invention. During the Civil War, he donated a portion of his wealth to equip an infantry regiment for the Union Army and served in the regiment as a private.
Isaac Singer vs. Elias Hunt
The 1834 eye-pointed needle sewing machine of Walter Hunt was later re-invented by Elias Howe of Spencer, Massachusetts and patented by him in 1846.
Each sewing machine (Walter Hunt’s and Elias Howe’s) had a curved eye-pointed needle that passed the thread through the fabric in an arc motion; and on the other side of the fabric a loop was created; and a second thread was carried by shuttle running back and forth on a track passed through the loop creating a lockstitch.
Elias Howe’s design was copied by Isaac Singer and others, leading to extensive patent litigation. However, a court battle in the 1850s conclusively gave Elias Howe the patent rights to the eye-pointed needle.
Elias Howe brought the court case against Isaac Merritt Singer, the largest manufacturer of sewing machines for patent infringement. In his defense, Isaac Singer attempted to invalidate Howe’s patent, to show that the invention was already some 20 years old and that Howe should not have been able to claim the royalties from anyone using his designs that Singer had been forced to pay.
Since Walter Hunt had abandoned his sewing machine and had not filed for a patent, Elias Howe’s patent was upheld by a court decision in 1854. Isaac Singer’s machine was also somewhat different from Howe’s. Its needle moved up and down, rather than sideways, and it was powered by a treadle rather than a hand crank. However, it used the same lockstitch process and a similar needle.Elias Howe died in 1867, the year his patent expired.
Other Historic Moments in the History of the Sewing Machine
On June 2, 1857, James Gibbs patented the first chain-stitch single-thread sewing machine.Helen Augusta Blanchard of Portland, Maine (1840-1922) patented the first zig-zag stitch machine in 1873. History of the Sewing Machine The zig-zag stitch better seals the edges of a seam, History of the Sewing Machine making a garment sturdier. Helen Blanchard also patented 28 other inventions including the hat-sewing machine, surgical needles, and other improvements to sewing machines.The first mechanical sewing machines were used in garment factory production lines. It was not until 1889 that a sewing machine for use in the home was designed and marketed.By 1905, the electrically-powered sewing machine was in wide use.
The History of First Clothing, It is not certain when people first started wearing clothes, however, anthropologists estimate that it was somewhere between 100,000 and 500,000 years ago. The first clothes were made from natural elements: animal skin, fur, grass, leaves, bone, and shells. Garments were often draped or tied; however, simple needles made out of animal bone provide evidence of sewn leather and fur garments from at least 30,000 years ago.When settled neolithic cultures discovered the advantages of woven fibers over animal hides, the making of cloth, drawing on basketry techniques, emerged as one of humankind’s fundamental technologies. Hand and hand with the history of clothing goes the history of textiles. Humans had to invent weaving, spinning, tools, and the other techniques needed to be able to make the fabrics used for clothing.
Ready-Made Clothing
Before sewing machines, nearly all clothing was local and hand-sewn, there were tailors and seamstresses in most towns that could make individual items of clothing for customers. After the sewing machine was invented, the ready-made clothing industry took off.
The Many Functions of Clothes
Clothing serves many purposes: it can help protect us from various types of weather, and can improve safety during hazardous activities such as hiking and cooking. It protects the wearer from rough surfaces, rash-causing plants, insect bites, splinters, thorns and prickles by providing a barrier between the skin and the environment. Clothes can insulate against cold or heat. They can also provide a hygienic barrier, keeping infectious and toxic materials away from the body. Clothing also provides protection from harmful UV radiation.
The most obvious function of clothing is to improve the comfort of the wearer, by protecting the wearer from the elements. In hot climates, clothing provides protection from sunburn or wind damage, while in cold climates its thermal insulation properties are generally more important. Shelter usually reduces the functional need for clothing. For example, coats, hats, gloves, and other superficial layers are normally removed when entering a warm home, particularly if one is residing or sleeping there. Similarly, clothing has seasonal and regional aspects, so that thinner materials and fewer layers of clothing are generally worn in warmer seasons and regions than in colder ones.
Clothing performs a range of social and cultural functions, such as individual, occupational and sexual differentiation, and social status. In many societies, norms about clothing reflect standards of modesty, religion, gender, and social status. Clothing may also function as a form of adornment and an expression of personal taste or style.Some clothing protects from specific environmental hazards, such as insects, noxious chemicals, weather, weapons, and contact with abrasive substances. Conversely, clothing may protect the environment from the clothing wearer, as with doctors wearing medical scrubs.
The study of the history of clothing and textiles traces the development, use, and availability of clothing and textiles over human history. Clothing and textiles reflect the materials and technologies available in different civilizations at different times. The variety and distribution of clothing and textiles within a society reveal social customs and culture.The wearing of clothing is exclusively a human characteristic and is a feature of most human societies. There has always been some disagreement among scientists on when humans began wearing clothes, but studies involving the evolution of body lice suggest it started sometime around 170,000 years ago. Anthropologists believe that animal skins and vegetation were adapted into coverings as protection from cold, heat, and rain, especially as humans migrated to new climates.
Textiles’ History Textile history is almost as old as human civilization, and as time has passed, the history of textile has been more enriched. The invention of flax and wool fabric at the dig of Swiss lake people in the 6th and 7th centuries BC is the oldest reported indication of employing fiber. Silk weaving was introduced to India circa 400 AD, whereas cotton spinning dates back to 3000 BC.[1]Textiles can be felt or spun fibers made into yarn and subsequently netted, looped, knit or woven to make fabrics, which appeared in the Middle East during the late Stone Age.[2] From ancient times to the present day, methods of textile production have continually evolved, and the choices of textiles available have influenced how people carried their possessions, clothed themselves, and decorated their surroundings.[3]Sources available for the study of clothing and textiles include material remains discovered via archaeology; representation of textiles and their manufacture in art; and documents concerning the manufacture, acquisition, use, and trade of fabrics, tools, and finished garments. Scholarship of textile history, especially its earlier stages, is part of material culture studies.
The History of First Chair, Here I was, interviewing the architect Witold Rybczynski about his new book, an appreciation of the chair and its 5,000-year history, and I was doing it from a standing desk. Nearby, I had a perfectly tolerable chair, with snazzy features like a mesh-fabric seat, pneumatic seat-height adjustment, and polyurethane armrests. But it wasn’t looking so appealing, perhaps because the American Heart Association had just ruined chairs for me by advising people to sit less and move more, so as to avoid diabetes and cardiovascular disease. I asked Rybczynski if he felt the chair was unfairly maligned in the Age of Standing Desks and Office Exercise Balls.
“I really don’t think we’re in the age of the standing desk,” Rybczynski responded. “I think it’s a fad which will come and go. People have always worked standing up—Winston Churchill, Ernest Hemingway.” (Treadmill desks, in Rybczynski’s book, are summarily dismissed as “silly.”) Today’s health warnings, he added, are about breaking up lengthy periods of sitting with movement, not about chairs themselves.
Rybczynski decided to write about the chair in part because it uniquely combines fashion and functionality. He was also struck by the fact that, unlike weaponry or communications technology, chairs don’t necessarily get “better” over time. “If you’re sitting in a Windsor chair, that’s the same chair, for all practical purposes, that George Washington and Benjamin Franklin sat in,” he said. “Nothing else from that time, other than the [U.S.] Constitution, has survived [in such usable form].” The history of the chair, in other words, is less evolutionary than it is cultural. “The way we choose to sit, and what we choose to sit on, says a lot about us: our values, our tastes, the things we hold dear,” Rybczynski writes in his book, Now I Sit Me Down. You are how you sit.
“An old model of a chair can be just as useful as it ever was,” he told me. “And that really sets it apart from most or at least many technologies, like, say, a smartphone, which changes every year. An old smartphone in 20 years will be just a curiosity. It won’t have any functional purpose.” (Of course, not all sitting furniture is functionally timeless. Imagine eating pasta one-handed while reclining on an ancient Roman dining couch. It helped that wealthy Romans had servants.)
The first chair Rybczynski was able to identify in the historical record was not a physical chair but a sculpture of one from the Cycladic islands in the Aegean Sea, dated to the period 2,800 – 2,700 B.C. The figurine depicts a musician playing a harp while sitting in what looks like a typical kitchen chair, with a straight back and four legs. By the time of the ancient Egyptians, sitting was a matter of status: Everyone sat on stools or on the ground, but chairs with backs or armrests were reserved for the elite.
In the fifth century B.C., the Greeks invented the klismos, which featured curved legs and a curved backrest, and which Rybczynski described to me as “one of the most beautiful chairs made by anybody.” Ever. In his book, he argues that chairs “of equal elegance” to the klismos didn’t emerge for more than 2,000 years, until the “golden age” of chairs in the 18th century, when a flurry of creative craftsmanship and global trade produced ornate items like the French Louis XV armchair and Chinese/English cabriole-legged furniture.
In ancient Greek art, “virtually everybody [is] sitting in a klismos chair. We have women, men, gods, and clearly important people, musicians, workers,” Rybczynski told me. It was a comfortable, “democratic chair,” not a throne. The klismos is also mysterious: It appeared out of nowhere, with a design that was original rather than a variation on a past style, and then disappeared for millennia, only to reemerge as part of the Greek Revival movement in the late 18th and early 19th centuries.
The fifth-century tombstone of Xanthippos, a Greek shoemaker. He’s sitting—comfortably, one imagines—on a klismos. (Wikimedia)
In the Middle Ages, sitting was once again socially stratified. (This back-and-forth between democratic and hierarchical sitting customs has been occurring throughout history. Compare the executive, manager, and secretary chairs of the 1960s with today’s standard-issue, egalitarian Aeron office chair. The technical name for my chair at work is a “Mesh-Back Manager’s Chair,” but it’s not just given to managers.) Ordinary people tended to possess little furniture and sat on whatever was available—a bench, a barrel, the ground. Chairs with arms and backs were reserved for Very Important People. The 16th-century Flemish painter Pieter Bruegel the Elder captured these dynamics in his many depictions of peasant life.
The long benches that were common at tables in the Middle Ages, as shown in Bruegel’s “Peasant Wedding.” One man, likely the bride’s father, is sitting in a chair with a back. (Wikimedia)
Today’s iconic chairs include the made-for-TV-watching recliner, the “ergonomic task chair,” and especially the monobloc plastic chair. The latter can be mass-produced and sold cheaply, and has therefore spread rapidly around the world, becoming perhaps the most widely used chair on the planet. The chairs are a reminder of the homogenizing effect of globalization, but they also subtly testify to local innovation, according to Rybczynski. Plastic chairs are rarely imported; instead, manufacturers in developing countries typically buy used plastic-molding equipment from developed countries and make chairs that “have local motifs worked into them. It may be the color of the chair. Often the backs are decorated in ways you might not find if you just go down to Home Depot.”
The future of the chair, Rybczynski writes, may lie somewhere between the ergonomic task chair and the monobloc—“between a chair that can adapt to the widest possible range of postures and body sizes, and an inexpensive chair for the masses.”
A monobloc chair in the destroyed Syrian town of Kobani (Osman Orsal / Reuters)
Rybczynski’s most striking point is that there’s nothing natural, nothing inevitable, about humans sitting on chairs, despite their 5,000-year-plus history. There are two types of people in the world, at least within the remit of Rybczynski’s study: those who sit on the floor and those who sit on chairs. In Now I Sit Me Down, Rybczynski elaborates on the distinction:
In a classic study of human posture around the world [in the 1950s], the anthropologist Gordon W. Hewes identified no fewer than one hundred common sitting positions. “At least a fourth of mankind habitually takes the load off its feet by crouching in a deep squat, both at rest and at work,” he observed. Deep squatting is favored by people in Southeast Asia, Africa, and Latin America, but sitting cross-legged on the floor is almost as common. Many South Asians cook, dine, work, and relax in that position. Sedentary kneeling, that is, sitting on the heels with the knees on the floor, is practiced by Japanese, Koreans, and Eurasians, and also used by Muslims at prayer.
Rybczynski hasn’t been able to identify clear, consistent patterns for why the world cleaved into floor-sitting and chair-sitting cultures. You’d think, for example, that people in cold, wet climates would be more likely to sit on chairs, so as to avoid the unpleasant ground. But the Japanese, who endure frigid winters, have traditionally sat on floor mats, while the ancient Egyptians, who lived in a warm, dry climate, are thought to have invented the folding stool. Nor is chair-sitting necessarily a matter of lifestyle; some nomadic groups move about with collapsible furniture, while others don’t. Nor is it always a product of economic or technological advancement; the prosperous Japanese were long aware that people in other parts of the world sat on chairs—they just chose not to. Some societies, like China, have transitioned from being predominantly floor-sitting cultures to being predominantly chair-sitting cultures. Others, like India, idiosyncratically mix the two approaches.
An Indian woman makes bread. Her shelves are at a low height, which is common in floor-sitting cultures. (Mansi Thapliyal / Reuters)
What Rybczynski did find is that whether you live in a floor-sitting or chair-sitting society has an impact on much more than how you sit. It can influence everything from your clothing to your house layout to your muscle development, he writes:
If you sit on floor mats, you are likely to The History of First Chair develop an etiquette that requires removing footwear before entering the home. You are also more likely to wear sandals or slippers rather than laced-up shoes, and loose clothing that enables you to squat or sit cross-legged. Floor-sitters tend not to use tall wardrobes— The History of First Chair it is more convenient to store things in chests and low cabinets closer to floor level. People who sit on mats are more likely to sleep on mats, too, just as chair-sitters are more likely to sleep in beds. Chair-sitting societies develop a variety of furniture such as dining tables, dressing tables, coffee tables, desks, and sideboards. Sitting on the floor also affects architecture: walking around the house in bare feet or socks demands smooth floors—no splinters—preferably warm wood rather than stone; places to sit are likely to be covered with soft The History of First Chair mats or woven carpets; tall windowsills and very tall ceilings hold less appeal. Lastly, posture has direct physical effects. A lifetime of sitting unsupported on the floor develops muscles not required for chair-sitting, which is why chair-sitters, unaccustomed to sitting cross-legged, soon become uncomfortable in that position. And vice versa. People in India regularly sit up on train seats and waiting-room benches in the cross-legged position, The History of First Chair which they find more comfortable than sitting with feet hanging down.
As Rybczynski suggests, the arc of history doesn’t necessarily bend toward chairs, let alone better chairs. From the klismos to the Aeron to the mat on the floor, though, humans have shared a need to rest their weary feet. Especially after a long day at a standing desk.