Describe an activity that you do after school / work

What is it?

Where and when do you do it?

With whom do you do it?

How do you feel about it?



Introduction 1


It is fun to talk about activities which are not related to work and studies. Such

activities are not burdensome and I usually look forward to do them. One such

activity which I do after my work/study is gardening. I love to do it and it is my

hobby. I do it in my backyard/front yard/terrace/balcony.

I do gardening almost every evening but in different ways. Some days I water the

plants, some days I plough the mud and sometimes I trim the stems. At times I also

talk to my plants and replant them in different pots. Mostly, I do this activity alone

because it is like a ‘me time’ activity for me.

Occasionally, my mom joins me because she also loves to do gardening. On

weekends I do it with the gardener. He does it and I supervise him. Last weekend I

colored all the pots in red, blue, yellow and green and I also out some manure.

I feel a lot of pleasure when I indulge into / do gardening. It gives me immense

satisfaction and joy. I feel refreshed and energized. I am a nature lover and

gardening helps me to spend time with plants, flowers, mud, water and different

fragrances. It is my favorite activity to unwind after work/study.



No doubt, people feel tired and bored with their regular routine of work or study and refresh their mind and feel relaxed they enjoy different activities.

What it is?
Here I would like to talk about one talk that I do after my long and tiring day of school, and that is going for an evening walk. The fact is that I spend approximately 6 to 8 hours at school and then go for extra classes, which gets me physically and mentally exhausted and to feel better in the evening.

Who you do it with? and When and Where you do it?
I visit the colony park with my friend Simran who lives next door to me. It is a small but beautiful park with lush green grass, a jogging track – beautiful flowers and plants and rides for kids. In the evening time, we enjoyed walk here and seeing little children taking rides and hooting in joy rejuvenate my mind.

After having a walk for some time, we sit on the grass and do yoga. Yoga is undoubtedly, the best exercise for the tired mind and really works wonder for me.

And how you feel about it? and Conclusion:
Undoubtedly, Simran my best buddy, so we utilize this time to discuss our day and share problems that we cannot share with others which really makes us feel make stress-free. This one-hour at the park revitalizes me, and this is what I enjoy doing after a tiring day at school.




What it is?

  • Due to study pressure and long sitting, my life is very sedentary.
  • Therefore, to keep me physically fit, I do yoga after school.

When and Where you do it?

  • I just started it two months ago, so right now I can only do the beginner level poses (asanas).
  • But I am getting better day by day and I believe that I will be able to move on to the advanced ones soon.

Who you do it with?

  • Actually, my mother used to do yoga when she was a child.
  • So, when I was thinking about improving my physical fitness, she suggested that I try yoga.
  • She also wanted to do it again and we thought because of each other’s company, we would be more regular.
  • Another reason for picking yoga was that it doesn’t require any special equipment.
  • We just had to order two yoga mats.
  • We have a huge veranda in our house.
  • We normally spread the mats there.
  • However, when it is raining, we do it inside the house, in our living room.
  • Typically, we do it for about 40 minutes, in the evening.
  • And we try to do it at least 5 days a week.

And how you feel about it?

  • Yoga has changed my life considerably.
  • I not only feel physically fitter but also mentally more composed.
  • And it wasn’t easy, in the beginning, I wanted to give up.
  • The first week was especially tough and I had severe body ache and soreness.
  • But by the second week, I felt a lot better.
  • I think if it wasn’t for my mother pushing me, I would have given up.
  • Now, I am the one, pushing her.
  • I really look forward to doing it.
  • It has become a part of my routine and if I do miss it, I feel guilty somehow.


  • I think everyone should definitely try yoga once in their life.



Introduction 4

The primary purpose of my life is to do my work with determination, dedication and discipline. Therefore I remain too much engrossed in my office work. However, after getting free from the office, I love to unwind.

What it is?

To make the best use of my leisure time, I regularly go for an evening walk.

When and Where you do it?

Just adjoining my house there is a rose garden. I have made it a practice to go there every day at 8 pm.

Who do you do it with?

I have a big group of friends and relatives who participate with me in this activity.

And how you feel about it?

This activity is an integral part of my life. A few years back, I used to be a bulky person. I tried everything to lose weight, but I didn’t get much success. Then one of my bosom friends suggested I have a walk for one hour every day, after taking dinner.

I immediately started following his advice though I had few apprehensions in my mind regarding its success. To my surprise, not only I lost weight, but I became a much more confident person.

After taking walk in the evening, all my troubles go for a toss. Moreover, I get a chance to spend quality time with my acquaintances.

This activity has brought a paradigm shift in my life.

Firstly ut changed my personality by making me a fit person. and secondly, it has expanded my friend circle.

In any case, I am unable to go to the park I feel jaded and depressed.


Describe an activity you often do after school/work. #ielts #apriltoaug2021  #ieltscuecard2021 - YouTube



Introduction 5

Being an altruist and philanthropic person, I love to work for the welfare of others.

Due to my busy schedule, I do not get sufficient time to work for the welfare of others. However, for the past two years, I have been actively doing social work.

What it is? When and Where you do it?

Five days a week, I teach the children living in the slums who do not have access to education.

After finishing my office work, I visit the slums adjoining my township. I have a batch of twenty students of different age groups.

Who do you do it with?

To support me, I have two friends with me. Sometimes I remain busy with my work. During that time, I do not want the children to suffer.

My friends espouse me, and in case I am unable to give classes the students do not suffer.

And how you feel about it?

Teaching is my hobby, and whenever I train someone, I get into a state of flow.

During the daytime, I remain too much engrossed in my office work. I often have a lot of work pressure inside the office. However, when I start coaching the students, my stress goes for a toss, and I forget all the worries of my life.

Moreover, this work gives me immense satisfaction. Because when I was a teenager, numerous people supported me during my tough times. And due to the unabated support of a few individuals, my career is on an impressive growth trajectory.

After teaching these underprivileged kids, I get the feeling that I am doing something for the upliftment of society.



  • Being a busy person, I usually have little time at my disposal to engage in an activity.
  • However, keeping the pressures of this new world into consideration learning new skills is very important.
  • To help me in my future career, I daily engage myself in activities after work.

What it is?

  • One such activity is cooking, which I regularly do.

When and Where you do it?

  • Every evening I cook dinner at my home for the whole family.

Who do you do it with?

  • As I have planned to go abroad for greener pastures, I prefer to do cooking alone to hone my culinary skills.
  • However, when I get stuck, my mother helps me.

And how you feel about it?

  • Initially, when I started to cook, it used to be a monotonous experience for me.
  • Every day I would think of quitting it.
  • But the need was urgent, so I carried on.
  • Eventually, I started getting into the groove, and now I enjoy it.
  • Cooking is no longer an activity for me now.
  • It has become my passion, and whenever I do it, I get into a state of flow.
  • Every day my family members have a vibrant smile on their faces when they savour the mouth-watering delicacies prepared by me to pamper their appetite.
  • Since I would shift to Canada in the next few months, this activity allows me to spend quality time with my family.
  • Overall this pursuit has brought a paradigm shift in my life.
  • And I have planned to carry on with this activity for the rest of my life.


Introduction 7

For a busy person shelling out time for any new activity is a daunting task. However, in the contemporary epoch where stress has become an integral part of our lives, people must engage in other activities after work to bring enthusiasm to their lives.

Recently I have started taking part in an activity.

What it is?

Every day after coming back from work, I play the guitar.

When and Where do you do it?

At a small distance from my residence, there is an academy. I learn and practice my guitaring skills over there.

Who do you do it with?

I do with other guitarists who are also a part of that academy.

And how do you feel about it?

This activity has brought a paradigm shift in my life. Before joining it, I used to waste my evenings in unnecessary chats with my friends. But now, I make productive use of my time.

Whenever I play the guitar, I get into a state of flow, and my time passes too quickly. Apart from this, all the worries of my life go for a toss.

The best benefit of engaging in this activity is that you become a patient person. There is no denying this conviction that you cannot play a musical instrument with impatience. Therefore to produce the desired result, I play the guitar with determination, dedication and discipline with no signs of doing it in a hurry.

Due to my keen interest in this pursuit, I will pursue it further and build a career in it. I will start my youtube channel very soon and showcase my guitaring skills to woo the audience.


Introduction 8


Study and work-life brings a lot of stress and sometimes doing something refreshing can help to cope with it. I like a lot of things to do because I want to entertain myself. But mostly I give priority to running due to its benefits. So after coming back from school or work I go running in the park with my friends. I have included this activity in my schedule for around 8 months. This has brought a lot of benefits for me and it has helped me to find a balance between my mental and physical health. I still remember when running in the evening was not in my routine I used to feel idle. I was so inactive at my school or work office because of laziness. But now I rarely feel any indolence(laziness). Running has become a daily routine for me. I have seen various changes in my body after I have started it. Firstly, the most important change I have seen is the reduction of my weight. I have lost around 7 kgs of weight just by running every day. I can also feel the change in my breathing. I used to run out of my breath in a relatively short time as compared to others. But now it has changed and my breathing has improved a lot. I can feel more energy in my legs and it also acts as a good refresher for me. I am very happy that I made my mind to do running every day. I am very glad about the results too. Moreover, this activity reduces the chances of any disease and keeps the person energetic. I also recommend to all my friends and cousins to do this activity. So this is the activity that I do after coming back from school or work.


Introduction 9

Health is wealth is a famous proverb that says that health is more precious than money. It is always good to lead a healthy life and stay active. In order to remain healthy and fit I do yoga every evening after school or work, for an hour.

I perform this activity in the park which is well known for its atmosphere. This park is very close to my home, there is only a 10-minute walk from my home. I usually do yoga with my bosom friend but sometimes I do this activity with old age people.

Yoga is one of the good forms of exercise. It helps to keep people fit and healthy. Besides, there are numerous health benefits available with this exercise and there are several reasons why yoga appeals to me. Firstly, yoga is a perfect blend of pranayama and meditation. Therefore, it not only enhances my physical strength but also improves my mental health.

Secondly, It also keeps me positive and energetic throughout the day. Now, yoga has become an integral part of my life. It not only controls my weight but also helps me to relieve stress and anxiety.  Being a regular practitioner, I have highly benefitted from this physical exercise.

 Thirdly, It has improved my immunity and provided inner peace as well. I have not only become healthy but have also become calm and composed. Due to yoga and meditation, I remain happy and peaceful.

Furthermore, Yoga is an ancient type of exercise. There are different moves in this form. It helps to shape the body and at the same time brings peace of mind. There are some breathing exercises. The exercises help to cool down the nerves and simultaneously improve the respiratory organs and the entire system. As a result, I am able to maintain healthy relations with everyone around me.



Follow up Questions


  1. What kind of activities do people mostly do after work/study?

In my opinion most people become lazy after school and work. I guess work

and study appears burdensome to many and so they prefer to rest. However,

there are some people who spend time to do some other work, study more

or even pursue their hobbies. It depends from person to person.





  1. Do you think people are able to manage their work/study and hobbies?

Well, I really don’t know because most people whom I meet keep

complaining about not having enough time to do the things that they like.

so, I assume that a lot of people are unable to plan and manage their time

well to balance their hobbies and work/study. Some extraordinary people

might be able to do it.




  1. What are some excuses that people give when they are unable to do the

activities that they like?

One of the most common excuse is lack of time. People always say that we

don’t have time to do what we like and hence we are unable to do it.

Surprisingly, when we had the time do the things that we like during the

pandemic lockdown, we still did not do it. People also blame on their health

and too many responsibilities for not being able to do as per their desire.




  1. Do you think that the type of activities which people do have changed over

the years?

Oh yes, I agree with this. Before many years people did activities in groups

and most activities were outdoor. These days people use electronic gadgets

and social media to do activities and mostly do it alone. A lot has changed

and I feel it is a lonely experience now.




  1. With whom do people like to do activities which they like?

People like to do the activities with their choice with the people of their

choice. Company is the most important. I think the first priority would be

friends and the second priority would be family. Some people also do it




Describe an activity that you do after school / work Describe an activity that you do after school / work Describe an activity that you do after school / work Describe an activity that you do after school / work Describe an activity that you do after school / work Describe an activity that you do after school / work 



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