Describe a person you only met once and want to know more about

Who he/she is?
When you met him/her?
Why do you want to know more about him/her?
And explain how you feel about him/her?

Introduction: 1


Well, we always come across new people at different places, but some people we find quite interesting that we want to know more about them.

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Who he/she is? and When you met him/her?
Here I would like to talk about one such person Karan, who was invited as a guest lecturer at our school for career guidance.

He was a former student of our school and now well-settled in Canada. He was on holidays in India and was invited by the school principal to share his experience of studying abroad to get us familiar with the opportunities ahead. He was quite a stylish gentleman and we all got impressed with his personality especially, his sense of dressing.

Even I still remember the fragrance he was wearing. He got on to the stage (podium) and started to share his experience. His command over the English language was just fabulous and his public speaking skills were jaw-dropping. In his 30 minutes lecture, he introduced us with all the challenges and opportunities that students may confront if they choose to study abroad. We never knew that after completing 10+2 we could continue further study abroad.

Why do you want to know more about him/her? and Explain how you feel about him/her?
I was lucky enough to meet him personally after the lecture to get more clarifications and during this time I came to know how polite and down to earth this person is. He not only answered all my questions but also shared his personal contact for further guidance. I am quite interested in knowing how he has achieved success in such a short period and what are his future plans.

For me, he is a great inspiration and I hope when I will contact him he will not hesitate to tell me more about himself.


Introduction: 2


  • I am a very friendly person and can easily begin a conversation.
  • I like to talk to people at work, events, parties, and even on my daily commute.
  • I usually forget about people I have met only once, and I am not likely to meet again.

Who he/she is?

  • However, there is one person I remember vividly who I met only once.
  • He left quite a mark on me, and I couldn’t help thinking about him the next day and for many more weeks.

When you met him/her?

  • I met him on the train while going to my cousin’s home in Karnal
  • He was sitting next to me and reading a newspaper.

Why do you want to know more about him/her?

  • I was really bored, my phone was discharged, and it was a long journey.
  • I asked him if I could borrow the crossword puzzle page from his newspaper.
  • He gave me the puzzle page and I worked on it for some time.
  • I gave it back to him and he inspected the questions I couldn’t answer.
  • He started to help me with those questions. He knew everything I couldn’t answer.
  • I was really impressed and asked him how he knew all that.
  • He told me he was a reader and reads every single day – books and newspapers
  • We started to talk more, not only was he knowledgeable, but he was also very witty and funny.
  • We could hold an actual conversation the entire trip.
  • He told me more about himself. His name was Nitin. He was a few years older than me.
  • He was from Delhi and had gone to Chandigarh for the weekend.
  • Besides reading, he loved to travel in his free time, hike, explore new cities.
  • I also have this love for travelling and we exchanged stories about interesting places we had visited.
  • He told me he was a computer engineer and had a stressful job.
  • However, he made sure to rejuvenate himself by doing things he loved.
  • I had just started my first job and had been so inundated with the workload.
  • I was having a hard time with work-life balance.

And explain how you feel about him/her?

  • His words left me feeling happy, motivated and inspired.
  • I lost track of time and very soon my station was there.
  • I had a short train stop and had to get off quickly.
  • I wish we had exchanged contact information.
  • It’s hard to find people who have such positive energy.


  • I would certainly like to know more about Nitin and have him in my life as a friend and a mentor.



Introduction: 3


In our life, we meet a lot of people. However, only a few people get etched in our memories, and we wish to meet them again.

Two years back, I met a person, and I would like to meet him again.

Who is he/she is?.

He is a renowned motivational speaker from India, and his name is Sandeep Maheshwari.

When did you meet him/her?

Mr Sandeep Maheshwari is a philanthropist. Unlike other motivational speakers, he doesn’t earn money from his viewers. Due to this reason, he regularly conducts free workshops for the benefit of people.

Two years back, I attended one of his live workshops. In that meeting, he talked in detail about goal setting. In his opinion, most people fail in achieving success, because they set unrealistic goals. He said that our goals should be achievable, and we must increase our limits with time.

He quoted one example of gymming, saying that instead of aiming for doing ten pushups a day. The target should be two pushups for the first week and four for the second week. After achieving small targets, we get motivated to do further hard work.

The interaction with him brought a paradigm shift in my life, and by setting small goals, I have achieved success in my life.

Why do you want to know more about him/her?

Mr Sandeep Mahehwari has a boatload of information. I sincerely believe that interacting more with him would help him gain valuable information on topics like willpower, mindfulness, handling failure and many others.

And explain how you feel about him/her?

People like Sandeep Maheshwari are a blessing to our society.


Introduction: 4


Being a voracious traveller, I visit numerous places. During travel, I meet people from diverse backgrounds and cultures.

Recently while travelling, I met a person and I would like to meet him again.

Who is he/she is?.

His name is Andrew, and he is from Scotland.

When did you meet him/her?

Last year, due to the corona pandemic, our country was in a state of lockdown. When the government had lifted the lockdown and begun the unlocking process, I had a sigh of relief.

As I wanted to unwind myself, I booked a flight for Goa. During the journey, I met Andrew from Scotland.

Why do you want to know more about him/her?

Andrew visited India to know more about the history and culture. Our discussion started with hobbies and interests. After that, we started discussing the world’s history.

I consider myself a person with immense knowledge of history, but when I listened to Andrew, I got stunned, as that person has more knowledge than me about my country’s history.

He told me how the western world sees my country. According to him, the westerners have realized the significance of Indian contribution to the world. Now fields like yoga and meditation are making inroads in the lives of Europeans.

He further advised me that Indians should have pride in their culture because of the things science is coming to know now, the Indian religious texts have that information for ages.

And explain how you feel about him/her?

A discussion of two hours was not enough to fetch information from an informed person like Andrew. I would like to meet him again to gain valuable formation.

I would use the information obtained from him to spread awareness about Indian history among those Indians who have less knowledge about this.


Introduction: 5


Being a social butterfly, I meet numerous people. Recently I came across a towering personality, and I would like to meet her again.

Who he/she is?

She is a renowned dietician, and her moniker is Dr Rimple Sharma.

When did you meet him/her?

Last year, for some personal work, I had travelled from Chandigarh to Delhi via train, during the journey, I got a chance to interact with her because she was sitting beside me.

Why do you want to know more about him/her?

I want to know more about her because the little interaction in our meeting led to a paradigm shift in my attitude. As I got a chance to interact with a dietician for the first time, I made prudent use of the opportunity.

I was an overweight person at the time when I met her. Seeing my physique, she asked me a few questions about my lifestyle, and based on my answers, she suggested going for a lifestyle change. As per her advice, I started taking all meals between 9 am to 6 pm to practice intermittent fasting.

Her advice has worked like a charm for me, in the last ten months, I have lost 20 kgs bodyweight. I would like to meet her again to gain more knowledge about fitness.

And explain how you feel about him/her?

Dr Rimple Sharma has a boatload of knowledge regarding fitness. She has carved out a niche by thinking beyond the conventional domain. Her advice sounds different from other diet experts, but her input works. I suggest everyone follow her on social media.


Introduction: 6


Being a voracious traveller, I come across many people. A few of them have such a personality that I want to meet them again.

Who he/she is?

I met a person who is a philanthropist, and his name is Girick Sharma.

When did you meet him/her?

Last month I had to go to a hospital for my mother’s. As the case was of emergency, I was in trouble and found it challenging to take care of everything. Seeing my plight, Girick came to my rescue and started helping me.

He had told me to stay with my mother, and he took care of other tasks like bringing the medicine and calling the nurse. Seeing his attitude towards work, I got confidence, and due to his unabated support, my mom came out of danger.

Why do you want to know more about him/her?

I want to know more about him because after helping me, he left immediately, and I did not get a chance to thank him properly.

Moreover, by meeting, I would get a chance to befriend him. There is no denying this conviction that we become the average of five people we meet regularly. By interacting with him, I will gain a few qualities which would train me to support needy people.

And explain how you feel about him/her?

I feel the world should have more people like him. Because in the contemporary epoch, fierce competition has become an integral part of our lives. Due to this reason, people shy away from supporting others. In short, persons like Girick are a blessing to society.



Introduction: 7


  • Every day we meet many people, and we hardly remember people we met.
  • Even we mostly don’t bother about it too.
  • Here, I will talk about a person who is a philanthropist in the true sense whom I met recently, and I would like to about him more.
  • Last week, I went to Chandigarh for some work, and on the way back home on the bus, I met a Robert.
  • When the bus started from the station, he started a conversation with me.
  • I loved the way he was talking to me.
  • Soon, he told me that he was a founder of a non-profit organization.
  • I was thinking he might ask for a financial contribution.
  • When I searched about him online and saw his work, I was totally astonished by his contribution to society.
  • He is the type of person who loves to contribute to their society.
  • I believe contributing to society is the real essence of humanity.
  • He is 50 years old and is a retired Military officer.
  • He started NGO in 2016 and serves people.
  • The NGO helps needy people who need financial support for medical emergencies, study, and shelter.
  • The most important thing is that he does not take money from people; he just wants moral support and volunteer contribution.
  • He owns a big farm in his village and a big grocery store.
  • From his profit, he donates 90% of his income to people.
  • During April, he donated a ration worth one million Indian rupees among the needy.
  • I actually cannot keep a count of the times people appreciate his work.
  • I want to meet him in the future and learn how he got the courage to become a philanthropist.
  • I found his address and am thinking of meeting him in person at his home.
  • Even I talked over the phone with him, and he is a very generous person.
  • So, Robert is a person whom I met once, and I would like to meet him very soon and want to learn more about him.



Introduction: 8

Well, we always come across new people at different places, but some people we find quite interesting that we want to know more about them.

Who he/she is? and When you met him/her?
Here I would like to talk about one such person Karan, who was invited as a guest lecturer at our school for career guidance.

He was a former student of our school and now well-settled in Canada. He was on holidays in India and was invited by the school principal to share his experience of studying abroad to get us familiar with the opportunities ahead. He was quite a stylish gentleman and we all got impressed with his personality especially, his sense of dressing.

Even I still remember the fragrance he was wearing. He got on to the stage (podium) and started to share his experience. His command over the English language was just fabulous and his public speaking skills were jaw-dropping. In his 30 minutes lecture, he introduced us with all the challenges and opportunities that students may confront if they choose to study abroad. We never knew that after completing 10+2 we could continue further study abroad.

Why do you want to know more about him/her? and Explain how you feel about him/her?
I was lucky enough to meet him personally after the lecture to get more clarifications and during this time I came to know how polite and down to earth this person is. He not only answered all my questions but also shared his personal contact for further guidance. I am quite interested in knowing how he has achieved success in such a short period and what are his future plans.

For me, he is a great inspiration and I hope when I will contact him he will not hesitate to tell me more about himself.


Introduction: 9


  • I am a very friendly person and can easily begin a conversation.
  • I like to talk to people at work, events, parties, and even on my daily commute.
  • I usually forget about people I have met only once, and I am not likely to meet again.

Who he/she is?

  • However, there is one person I remember vividly who I met only once.
  • He left quite a mark on me, and I couldn’t help thinking about him the next day and for many more weeks.

When you met him/her?

  • I met him on the train while going to my cousin’s home in Karnal
  • He was sitting next to me and reading a newspaper.

Why do you want to know more about him/her?

  • I was really bored, my phone was discharged, and it was a long journey.
  • I asked him if I could borrow the crossword puzzle page from his newspaper.
  • He gave me the puzzle page and I worked on it for some time.
  • I gave it back to him and he inspected the questions I couldn’t answer.
  • He started to help me with those questions. He knew everything I couldn’t answer.
  • I was really impressed and asked him how he knew all that.
  • He told me he was a reader and reads every single day – books and newspapers
  • We started to talk more, not only was he knowledgeable, but he was also very witty and funny.
  • We could hold an actual conversation the entire trip.
  • He told me more about himself. His name was Nitin. He was a few years older than me.
  • He was from Delhi and had gone to Chandigarh for the weekend.
  • Besides reading, he loved to travel in his free time, hike, explore new cities.
  • I also have this love for travelling and we exchanged stories about interesting places we had visited.
  • He told me he was a computer engineer and had a stressful job.
  • However, he made sure to rejuvenate himself by doing things he loved.
  • I had just started my first job and had been so inundated with the workload.
  • I was having a hard time with work-life balance.

And explain how you feel about him/her?

  • His words left me feeling happy, motivated and inspired.
  • I lost track of time and very soon my station was there.
  • I had a short train stop and had to get off quickly.
  • I wish we had exchanged contact information.
  • It’s hard to find people who have such positive energy.


  • I would certainly like to know more about Nitin and have him in my life as a friend and a mentor.


 Follow up Questions


1. How do people make friends in India?
People in India make friends by starting conversations, showing interest, smiling, sharing, and helping. This is especially true for the older generation. Young people tend to make friends through social media networks. They have fewer in-person friends and make more friends online.



2. On what occasions do people like to make friends?
People make friends at various events like weddings, birthday parties, etc. People can make friends while travelling and exploring different places, cultures, etc. People can make friends attending hobby classes or join online groups that share their interests.



3. Is it important to have the same hobbies and interests when making friends?
No, it’s not important. Common hobbies do bring people together and are especially helpful in the beginning stages of a friendship. However, people can have different interests and still become friends. In fact, it can be exciting to be a friend of a person with totally different interests and do things that you never tried



4. What qualities make true friends?
True friends stick with you during tough times. They are supportive, non-judgmental, and accept you as you are. They give your honest opinion even it’s painful to hear. They genuinely love and care for you.



Describe a person you only met once and want to know more about Describe a person you only met once and want to know more about Describe a person you only met once and want to know more about Describe a person you only met once and want to know more about Describe a person you only met once and want to know more about Describe a person you only met once and want to know more about Describe a person you only met once and want to know more about Describe a person you only met once and want to know more about Describe a person you only met once and want to know more about Describe a person you only met once and want to know more about Describe a person you only met once and want to know more about Describe a person you only met once and want to know more about


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