Describe a time when you felt proud of a family member

You should say
When it happened?
Who is this person?
What the person did?
And explain why you felt proud of him/her.



Sample Answer 1

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A family member about whom I have felt proud always and will always feel is no

other than my mom. My mom is the backbone of our family and without her we all

are handicapped. On a daily basis she does things to take care of the entire family

so that we all can fulfill our dreams and accomplish our goals. She is a gem of a


She is very kind and caring and is very mature and understanding of other’s needs.

Some of her best qualities are that she is always smiling, forgives people easily and

is very empathetic. Today I want to share something about her that she did in the

past that makes me feel so proud of her. It happened when I was three years old.

My mom was doing a job and she was a very career oriented person. When I started

going to school she felt that she is not able to give me enough time and that I need

her time and attention. She resigned from her job and dedicated her life completely

to motherhood. She invested all her energy, enthusiasm and time to nurture me

and family.

This is a very big sacrifice and I will always be indebted to her for this. Every time I

think of what she did for me and family I feel so great and fortunate. She has a great

contribution in making me what I am today. I love my mom a lot and I also respect

her. I try my best to be like her. There are many other people in the family about

whom I feel proud but no one can replace my mom.



Sample Answer 2



In this contemporary epoch, people often leave no stone unturned to rake in big bucks however, there are a few individuals who go beyond the conventional domain to provide unabated support to needy people.

When it happened? and Who is this person?

I am glad to have one such person in my family. Her name is Dr Rimple Sharma. She is my elder sister.

Recently she provided free medical care to more than 100 people in my hometown.

What did the person do?

As the world is going through turbulent times. Because of the ongoing corona pandemic, many businesses have shut down, and some are on the verge of extinction.

However, the business of those who are in the medical field has flourished during this time. During the 2nd wave of the Corona pandemic in India, most of the hospitals were minting money, and they had the least interest in saving the lives of people.

During that time, thousands of people were in the queue for getting beds in hospitals. The system was in a state of absolute disarray.

Seeing the plight of the innocent public, Dr Rimple decided to offer free medical treatment to needy people.

She had worked with determination, dedication and discipline for 15 days and managed to save the lives of more than 100 people.

And the best part was she did not charge a single penny for his services.

Explain why you felt proud of him/her?

I felt proud of her, because unlike other people from the medical fraternity, she didn’t go after earning money from innocent people.

Rather, she was instrumental in saving the lives of more than 100 people.


Describe a time when you felt proud of a family member. - YouTube


Sample Answer 3


In the face-paced contemporary epoch, people run from pillar to post to earn substantial money for having an opulent lifestyle. However, some people are of altruist and philanthropist nature, and they leave no stone unturned to help others.

I have one such relative who goes beyond the conventional domain to help others.

When it happened? and Who is this person?

He is my elder brother, and he is a digital marketing expert. Last year due to the corona pandemic, our country was in a state of lockdown. All of a sudden, the government ordered the closure of all commercial establishments. Due to this act of the higher authorities, many of my friends became jobless.

What did the person do?

During that time, most of my friends were finding it hard to make both ends meet. Seeing our plight, my brother decided to help us.

Since he was in Singapore back then and he also used to work from home. He started providing us with online training for digital marketing.Most importantly, he didn’t charge for it.

Although we friends had little interest in this field, his persistence had conquered our resistance, and we started paying heed to his lessons with determination, dedication and discipline.

Once he had given us basic training, he shared some of his work with us. When any of my friends used to complete the task provided by him, he would pay us. This system of his work is like a charm for us.

And within three months, we all started working like seasoned digital marketing experts.

Explain why you felt proud of him/her?

I felt proud of him because he’s hard work coupled with dogged determination had brought a paradigm shift in the life of many people.

Now the team trained by my bother is basking in the glory of success by raking in big bucks from the newly acquired skill.

Sample Answer 4


  • I hail from a big family, and there are numerous instances when my family members have made me feel proud.

When it happened? and Who is this person?

  • Recently one such occasion happened
  • Two months back, my nephew took part in a dance reality show.

What did the person do?

  • Although he is just eight years old, the way he dances, it seems like he is around 15 years old.
  • Before taking part in the reality show, he carved out a niche in the hip-hop dance format.
  • Before participating in the show, he was nervous, but when I had a pep talk with him, he got his mojo back and gave his best performance.
  • Despite being short of practice, he performed well in the presence of celebrity judges.

Explain why you felt proud of him/her?

  • The prominent reason for being proud of him is that he worked hard at such a tender age with determination, dedication and discipline.
  • During his performance, he remained confident and never felt nervous.
  • Despite a humble beginning, he has led his dancing career towards an impressive growth trajectory.
  • When his performance was going on, I was busy with my office work. I got a call from my sister, and she told me that my nephew had won the first prize.
  • He came out to be the best performer among 90 participants from various parts of the country.
  • His triumph put a broad smile on the faces of all of our near and dear ones.
  •  He is Not only a seasoned dancer but also a brilliant student.
  • Within a few minutes of winning the competition, his pictures went viral on various social media platforms.
  • Immediately after getting free from work, I called him, and while talking, he started crying.
  • After talking to him, I was in a state of euphoria, and I threw a party in my office.
  • Now, all children in my family seek flashes of inspiration from him.
  • He has become a role model not only for our family but also for our neighbourhood.


  • Taking inspiration from him now even I have started honing my dancing talent





Sample Answer 5

Well, I always feel proud on my family, but here I would like to share the incident when I was extremely proud on my brother, not just me, my entire family. Actually, my friend Simran studies in 8th class, and he has a friend named Raj who is quite a brilliant student. 

When it happened? 
Unfortunately, he comes from a poor family, and often his parents find it difficult to pay his school fee, but last month his father had an accident, and because of that, a lot of money went into his treatment for that reason, the parents were unable to pay his school fee. 

The school management was quite unsympathetic, and they issued a notice to Raj that if the school fee is not paid on time, he would not be allowed to sit in exams. But Simran told Raj not to worry I will pay your school fee. 

Who is this person? and What the person did?
My brother who had been saving money to change his mobile phone, which was really giving him a lot of trouble for almost 1 year time. Without thinking twice, he paid the school fee for Raj from his saved money. 

Explain why you felt proud of him/her? 
Now he made such a huge sacrifice but didn’t even tell anyone, not even me. Some time ago, when Raj visited our house, he came with a flower bouquet to thank my brother, and during this time, he revealed the entire story of how Simran helped him. 

To listen this, we got emotional, we hugged Simran tightly, and we were really feeling proud on him. lt was really a proud moment for the entire family. 

I must say that my father was especially proud on my brother because he always wanted to see his son as a kind and generous person. 

Overall, it was the time when my brother made us proud by helping someone in dire need. 




Sample Answer 6


  • A few incidents occur in a person’s life when they get a satisfactory result, and they feel proud of. 

Who is this person?

  • Today, I would like to talk about my uncle, who did something unique that my family and I feel proud of. 
  • My uncle is doing a job government job in the forest department. 
  • He loves animals, and he keeps two dogs and a cat in his house. 
  • He understands the feelings of animals very well. 
  • He is trying their best on his level to save the animals and forest.

When it happened? and What the person did? and Explain why you felt proud of him/her? 

  • One month ago, he opened a care house for those animals that were injured and homeless. 
  • He opened it without any government and private help. 
  • He also hires a team of four members that take care of these animals. 
  • He distributed small posters in the city and nearby areas to leave sick and injured animals in that house. 
  • This step saves the wildlife and decreases the accident rate because nowadays, animals are the cause of road accidents, especially at night. 


  • I felt proud of them. 
  • I think human beings can take care of their family and themselves very well because they can speak and express their emotions, but animals are not capable of it, so it is very good if someone makes an effort and save them. 




Sample Answer 7


  • I have a big family, and there are many moments when my family, be it my grandparents, parents, siblings, nieces, nephews, cousins, have made me proud.

When it happened? and Who is this person?

  • Here I would like to talk about a moment that happened recently.
  • In July this year, my niece participated in a kid’s triathlon competition.

What the person did?

  • She is just 10 years old, and this was her first time doing a triathlon.
  • She has participated in running competitions before, but this time she was doing 3 activities, swimming, biking, and running one after the other.
  • She was very nervous about the transition phases between the 3 activities as the time taken during the transitions can get very crucial in a triathlon.
  • She got only a week to practice as my sister enrolled her at the last minute.

Explain why you felt proud of him/her?

  • I was so proud that she was even participating in a competition like this at such a young age.
  • I couldn’t believe that she was skilled at all three activities.
  • I talked to my niece on the phone the night before to motivate her. I told her to have fun and wished her the best of luck.
  • My sister called the next day to tell us that not only did my niece finish the race successfully but also stood 3rd place in her age group.
  • She took a total of 17 minutes to finish the race.
  • I was so happy to hear that and felt so proud of my niece.
  • She has always been good at academics and gets good grades but now she was a triathlete.
  • My sister sent pictures of the trophy ceremony and I showed them to everyone in our family.
  • I talked to my niece later that day to congratulate her.
  • I could hear the joy in my niece’s voice. She told me that next time she will aim for a faster time.
  • She had lost some time getting on the bike, putting on the helmet, and then getting off the bike.
  • I told her she did great for her first time and went beyond my expectations.
  • No one in our family has participated in an event like this, and this was a proud moment for us all.


  • In fact, my niece has motivated me to get into shape and start running.
  • I even started taking swim lessons as I never learnt swimming before because of my water phobia.





IELTS Speaking Part 3 : Follow up Questions

Here some examples of follow up questions that you may asked during your speaking part 3 by examiner related to cue card “describe a time when you felt proud of a family”.

1. When would parents feel proud of their children? 
Parents feel proud of their children when they meet and achieve their goals. It can be getting good grades in school, getting into the sports team, graduating from college, and getting their first job, etc. For younger children parents are proud when they achieve tiny milestones like saying their first word, taking their first step, tying their shoelaces by themselves, etc.

2. Should parents reward children? Why and how? 
Yes, parents should reward children for their achievements and hard work. It encourages them to continue doing it and makes them feel good about them themselves. Instead of giving material goods as rewards, parents should reward children by praising them, letting them do a favourite activity, or spending more time with them.

3. Is it good to reward children too often? Why? 
I don’t think parents should reward children too often as it can make them feel entitled. Buying them toys, gadgets as rewards can make them materialistic. Younger kids may become too focused on the reward and forget about the reason they are being rewarded for. They can even start negotiating with parents for every small task they do.

4. On what occasions would adults be proud of themselves? 
Adults have many occasions when they are proud of themselves, like a promotion at their job, buying their first home, getting their children into good schools, doing social work like helping others or a friend in need, etc.




Describe felt proud of a family member Describe a time when you felt proud Describe a family member Describe a time when Describe a time when you felt proud of a family member Describe felt proud of a family member Describe a time when you felt proud Describe a family member Describe a time when Describe a time when you felt proud of a family member Describe felt proud of a family member Describe a time when you felt proud Describe a family member Describe a time when Describe a time when you felt proud of a family member Describe felt proud of a family member Describe a time when you felt proud Describe a family member Describe a time when Describe a time when you felt proud of a family member Describe felt proud of a family member Describe a time when you felt proud Describe a family member Describe a time when Describe a time when you felt proud of a family member Describe felt proud of a family member Describe a time when you felt proud Describe a family member Describe a time when Describe a time when you felt proud of a family member



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