Describe an interesting conversation you had with your friend.
Who you spoke with?
Where you were?
What the conversation was about?
And explain why you think it was interesting?


Introduction: 1

I remember this one very very clearly. This was one of the priceless conversation that I ever had with someone. It was about setting goals in life and working hard to achieve them.

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Who you spoke with? and Where you were?
I had this conversation with my childhood friend. His name is Raj and we have grown up together and we have been to the same school as well. Both of us were having snacks in a café and were discussing life when our conversations suddenly turned serious and meaningful.

What the conversation was about?
Actually, we were laughing whilst looking back at our carefree school days and suddenly my friend expressed his concern about our future. We felt that we should be focused and have a goal in life. We started writing down our dreams and goals and talked about how specific, realistic, achievable and meaningful they were. We also had a discussion about the time deadline of things that we want to achieve in life. We jotted a plan of the resources that we have and the efforts that we will make to reach where we want to.

And explain why you think it was interesting?
It was a conversation that was not only interesting but also enriching. It gave us a new direction and new hopes for life. This was the very first time we saw life on a serious note. We also told each other our Wit strengths and weakness. The entire conversation was positive, inspiring and full of new visions and promises and that is what made it fascinating.

On that day, I felt a strange emotion. I felt that there is a purpose in my life and that I am capable of achieving that purpose and reaching a new height. I felt very satisfied from within that my friend felt exactly the same how I did and that both of us were together charged to reach our life goals.

So, although it was a conversation about life goals, it was a turning point in our lives as we are on our toes from that day and will not stop until we achieve our target.


Describe an interesting conversation you had with your friend. - Travel in  Level


Introduction: 2


  • Man is a social animal and conversations are a part of life.
  • I’ve had many conversations in my life, but here I would like to talk about a conversation, which influenced me a lot.

Who you spoke with?

  • This conversation was with my friend, Suman, who had come from Canada.
  • She went to Humber College, Canada two years ago for her higher education.

Where you were?

  • She came to our house to pay a visit.
  • We chatted with each other for a long time.
  • She told me all about her life in Canada.

What the conversation was about? and And explain why you think it was interesting?

  • I asked her many questions about the education there and about any problems she faced there.
  • She told me that the education there is very good.
  • They focus on the practical side and teach in a more interesting way.
  • She also told me that she worked part time for 20 hours a week during her studies. She managed to earn for her overhead expenses by this.
  • She told me that initially she faced many food problems.
  • Actually, vegetarian food outlets are not easy to find over there.
  • Now she cooks for herself, as everything is available in the Indian stores over there.
  • She told me that her education is almost over, and now she is looking for a full time job.
  • After that she will be able to apply for PR over there.
  • She motivated me to pursue my higher education in Canada.
  • She even talked to my parents about it.


  • Today, I am in front of you, taking my IELTS, just because of the influence of that conversation.



Introduction: 3


Conversations are an integral part of human being lives. Although I have had numerous interesting discussions with my friends, one out of them is worth mentioning.

Who did you speak with?

I discussed this with my bosom friend Andrew five years back.

Where you were?

The conversation took place at my home. For my birthday. I didn’t plan any party. I just invited Andrew for dinner at my place.

What the conversation was about?

It was about how to become successful in the contemporary epoch.

Since we both are voracious readers, we had too much content to share. We discussed various elements for attaining success, such as willpower, positive attitude, mindfulness and gratitude.

And explain why you think it was interesting?

The conversation was interesting for both of us because after spending two hours, we had concluded. Although we debated on various things required to get success, we expressed solidarity, with the fact that the most significant factor for success is our routine.

To test the results of our discussion, we both decided to follow a strict routine to get success. I made a timetable of the things to be done and started working on my goal with daily efforts. Andrew had started working on the plan with enthusiasm, but he didn’t carry it for a long time.

Finally, I got the much-needed success, but Andrew did not achieve his aim. Seeing my triumph, he also got charged up, and he started following his routine rigorously. And he achieved his goal last month.


In totality, that discussion brought a paradigm shift in my and Andrew’s life and our careers are on an impressive growth trajectory.


Introduction: 4



With the advent of social media, face to face interaction is on a decline. Many people choose to call their near and dear ones instead of meeting them in person.

However, having face to face conversation has its charm. Although I have had numerous in-person discussions in recent months, one out of them is worth mentioning.

Who did you speak with?

Last month, I met one of my bosom friends Gordon.

Where you were?

Due to corona pandemic protocols, we decided to meet at my home.

What the conversation was about?

The conversation started with various topics, but later on, we discussed the future career options for the youngsters.

It started with the view that content creation would be the need of the hour in future. Due to that, people engaged in content writing will get plum jobs with handsome salaries.

Further, we discussed jobs related to social media. Unlike past people have started taking this domain seriously. After researching the internet, we concluded that millions of jobs would come in this field.

Lastly, we discussed burgeoning fields of the future like blockchain and cryptocurrencies. There is no denying this conviction that these two fields have unlimited potential. An early entry can empower the youngsters to carve out a niche for themselves and lead their lives towards an impressive growth trajectory.

And explain why you think it was interesting?

The discussion was interesting because it encouraged us to think beyond the conventional domain. Before conversing, we had not known that we would be having a plethora of career options soon.


Introduction: 5


There is a denying this conviction that engaging in discussion with learned minds can help us find appropriate solutions to our problems.

Recently, I had a discussion that provided me with a suitable answer to my query.

Who did you speak with?

Six months I had an interesting conversation with one of my friends Stephen.

Where you were?

The discussion took place at my home.

What the conversation was about?

The conversation was about the best place to pursue higher education. I favoured going to Canada, whereas he was supporting Australia.

And explain why you think it was interesting?

The discussion was interesting for many reasons. First and foremost, it helped us get a suitable answer to our question. We two friends had apprehensions on which country we should go to lead our careers towards an impressive growth trajectory.

The conversation started with the positives and negatives about both nations. The primary advantage with Canada is its location close to the superpower America: Whereas, the main pitfall of living in this nation is its harsh climate. The cold temperature makes it challenging to do work.

On the other hand, Australia has a friendly climate that contains all the seasons like India. However, this country is far off: moreover, the job opportunities are less than in Canada.

Considering the above points, we concluded that it is worthwhile to go to Canada. The prominent reason for this is the wide availability of work opportunities. Moreover, a vast area of this country is still untapped, due to this reason, the future is more secure in Canada for overseas students.




Follow up Questions


1. How do friends communicate with each other?
Friends communicate with each other in many ways. They communicate face to face, through phone and also through the Internet.


2. What’s the difference between having a conversation with a man and having a conversation with a woman?
There are no gender differences nowadays. Both, men and women, can talk equally well on any topic they are interested in, be it sports, or politics, or fashion.



3. Do you think women like to chat more than men?
I don’t think so. Gender has nothing to do with the preference of chatting. It is a matter of individual choice.

4. When men chat with other men do they usually talk about the same things that women do when they chat with other women?
The topic of conversation among men or women is a matter of individual taste. Mostly men talk about sports, business and politics. Whereas women talk about fashion and family matters. But then individual variations are always there.



5. What is the difference between chatting and gossiping?
Chatting is general talk on various topics, whereas gossiping is talking about other people behind their back. Chatting has a positive connotation, whereas gossiping has a negative connotation.



6. Who do you prefer chatting with – your parents or your friends?
I prefer both equally. I talk to my parents about my day to day’s happenings, whereas I discuss studies, sports and movies etc. with friends.



7. Do most people have just a small number of friends, or many friends?
It is very difficult to generalize. Some people have few friends and some like to have a lot of friends. Mostly, face to face friendship is limited to a few close friends, but people have a huge network of online friends these days on Facebook or Whatsapp.



8. How do most people make new friends in your country?
Most people make new friends in schools and colleges, while attending family functions or other social functions or while travelling in public transport.



Describe an interesting conversation you had with your friend Describe an interesting conversation you had with your friend Describe an interesting conversation you had with your friend Describe an interesting conversation you had with your friend Describe an interesting conversation you had with your friend


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